AOS1 Key events
AOS2 Key Events

King of France from 1774 - 1793

King Louis XVI


Name the event that took place on the night of August 4, 1789 

The Night of Patriotic Delirium 


Define Enlightenment

Development of thought throughout the 18th Century focused on science, politics and philosophy


- 20 June 1791
- Royal family's plan to leave Tuileries Palace to head to Austria

King's flight from Paris


What directly followed the Night of Patriotic Delirium?

August Decrees


Austrian born, married to Louis XVI

Marie Antoinette


- 20 June 1789
- Commons + others swore to never seperate until a Constituent Assembly

Tennis Court Oath


Absolute Monarch & Divine Right
(100 for each)

Absolute Monarch: a monarch who holds absolute authority over society, who is not restricted by laws, usually born into the position

Divine Right: monarchs receive the right to rule directly from God, they are accountable only to God


- 5-6 October 1789
- a result of outrage after a banquet for royal visitors was announced when people were starving
- began at Hotel de Ville then continued to Versailles
- National Assembly's first face-to-face interaction with angry revolutionary crowd

The Women March to Versailles


Distinguish between active and passive citizens

Active: men over 25 who paid 3 days labour in tax, citizens who paid 10 days labour as tax, citizens who paid a silver mark in direct tax

Passive: paid less than 3 days in tax, no voting rights, not eligible for service in National Guard


Published 'What is the Third Estate?'
Proposed the distinction between active and passive citizen 

Abbe Sieyes


- 14th July 1789
- Resulting from Necker's dismissal
- Members of Third Estate stormed symbol of King's absolute power

Storming of the Bastille


Three Estates
(100 for each)

First Estate - Clergy
Second Estate - Nobility
Third Estate - Common people (incl. bourgeoise)


- 12 July 1790
-  created by Constituent Assembly to reorganise the church
- "New Bishop may not apply to the Pope for confirmation, but shall write to him as the Visible Head of the Universal Church in testimony of the unity of faith and communion which he is to maintain therewith"

Civil Constitution of the Clergy 


Name the group:

- workers from Paris
- 'the have-nots as distinct from the haves'
- violent, radical group



Financial minister
Funded American War through loans
Dismissed in 1781 and again in 1789
Published the Compte randu au roi

Jacques Necker


- 1789 in response to the calling of the Estate-General
- all 'learned' people were invited to share their opinions
- Relaxed censorship 

Pamphlet War


Give 4 details about the Estates General

1. April 1789
2. Members of all estates together in Paris
3. First two estates got private meetings with the king, Third Estate got to walk past him
4. Disputes over verifying credentials
5. Third Estate renames itself the Commons 
6. Led to the Tennis Court Oath and formation of the National Assembly


- 25 July 1792
- threat to Parisians with the 'most severe punishment' of the royal family were harmed
- hoped to protect the royal family but instead created the idea that he was conspiring against the rev

The Brunswick Manifesto


Included civil liberties such as:
- admission of all employment by talent
- taxation in proportion to means
- similar punishments for similar offences
- freedom of speech, press and worship
- right to assembly peacefully without arms
- right to present petitions to government

1791 Constitution 


President of Jacobin club in 1792
Supporter of the republic
Chief architect of Terror in 1793
Initiated Cult of the Supreme Being

Maximilien Robespierre


- King announced decision made on 17 June were null and void
- Members of National Assembly refused to leave when dismissed by the King
- First outright act of disobedience and rejection of royal authority 

Royal Session, 23 June 1879


Name the 4 financial ministers and 1 reform they attempted 

Turgot - cut expenditure and fairer taxation
Necker - save on royal spending
Calonne - taxation restructure
Brienne - retain land tax, edit Callone's reforms


- 2 Sept 1792 Danton addressed the Legislative Assembly
- created anger and revolutionary leaders encourage people to take action
- crowds of sans-culottes attacked prisons, slaughtering people without hesitation
- further exposed the divide between the radical Revolutionary Commune and the moderate Legislative Assembly

September Massacres


Who said this and when?

"I die innocent of all the crimes with which I am charged. I forgive all those who are guilty of my death and I pray to God that the blood you are about to shed may never be required of France"

Citizen Louis Capet at his execution on 21 Jan 1793
