Lead Up To The Revolution
Reasons for The Revolution
Revolution Begins
Radical Stage of The Revolution

What is a great change from the way things were in the past?



What percentage of the population did the Third Estate make up in France?

The 3rd Estate made up 97% of the population in France.


Who is the leader in this picture?

This is the absolute monarch Louis XVI.


What was the elected legislature in France during the first stage of the French Revolution?

National Assembly


Who was the Leader of the Committee of Public Safety and the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution?

Maximilien Robespierre


What is a revolution that involves a governmental change? Give an example of a governmental revolution seen in history

Political Revolution - French Revolution, American Revolution


What percentage of taxes was paid by the 3rd Estate in France? Why did this not solve the financial crisis?

The 3rd Estate paid 100% of taxes in France. This did not solve the financial problem because the commoners made little to no money.


Who is the leader in this picture?

This is Louis XVI's wife Marie Antoinette 


The _______________   __________________ Oath was taken by the National Assembly. They swore to make a constitution at this meeting. 

Tennis Court Oath


What were the two differing political groups during the French Revolution? Hint: One group wanted to keep the monarchy and the other group wanted to kill the king and all opponents of the revolution.

Moderates vs. Radicals

What is a great change in technology or ideas? Give a modern day example of a revolution that has to do with technology or ideas.

Non-Political Revolution - Electric Cars, Smartphones, Computers


Come up to the board and draw the three estates in France leading up to the revolution. (Including the top tip of the pyramid)

Tip of the Period - Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette

Top Level - 1st Estate, Clergy 

Middle Level - 2nd Estate, Nobility

Bottom Level - 3rd Estate, Commoners (Peasants)


Where is this photo? Who lived here

This is the Palace of Versailles where Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lived


What was the event when the third estate stormed the prison, killed guards, freed prisoners, took weapons, and tore down the building.

The Storming of The Bastille


What was set up by Robespierre to defend France against internal and external enemies? This Committee sent many people to death for conspiracy against the revolution.

What was the Committee of Public Safety


What was a political revolution that was inspired by Enlightenment ideas and inequality in France?

French Revolution


Which estates are depicted in this picture?

The 1st Estate, 2nd Estate, and 3rd Estate


Why was face in a heavy financial crisis leading up to the French Revolution? List two reasons

Money was sent on parties, luxury, and the Palace of Versailles


Which Enlightenment Philosopher inspired The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen? 

Who is John Locke?


What was a period of intense violence in the French Revolution where Robespierre and the Jacobins killed thousands that were loyal to the king?

Reign of Terror


Which Four Enlightenment Philosophers inspired the revolution that took place in France?

John Locke, Baron De Montesquieu, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Voltaire


What does this picture symbolically show? What was happening in France?

The 3rd Estate was carrying the 1st and 2nd Estates in France. The 3rd Estate paid all taxes and was barely surviving in French society. As seen in the picture, the commoners on the bottom appear to be weak, malnourished, and barely staying alive.


What were two powers that King Louis XVI had as absolute monarch?

He had the power to collect taxes, throw people in jail, declare war


Which Enlightenment Philosopher inspired the Constitution of 1791?

Who is Montesquieu?


What doctor created the beheading torture device in France during the Revolution?

Who was Dr. Joseph Guillotine
