French Gov'ts
French Phrases
French People
French Events

The third estate, declaring itself to represent all France, put forth the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, as well as the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. It was also under their direction that France was divided into 83 départements.

What is the National Constituent Assembly?


This was a term for the most wealthy commoners, the upper part of the 3rd Estate.

What is Bourgeoisie?


He called the Estates-General to meet in 1789.

Who is King Louis XVI


This act of mob violence was less important for the Revolution practically, but the object of the violence had long been a symbol of tyranny for the people.

What is the Storming of the Bastille?


A proper gov't to replace the absolute monarchy, this republic is controlled by Griondins, and it is during this period that Austria/Prussia go to war with France and La Marseillaise is composed.

What is the Legislative Assembly?


This term, often shortened to just the first word in English, translates to "strike of the state," and refers to a sudden and technically unlawful seizure of power.

What is coup d'état?


He was the most famous of the Jacobin leaders, and his own execution led to a  response.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre?


It reads: "We swear never to separate and to meet wherever circumstances require until the kingdom’s Constitution is established and grounded on solid foundations."

What is the Tennis Court Oath?


This gov't is known for its Committee of Public Safety and Reign of Terror: the Jacobins seize power, the king and queen are executed, and the Terror doesn't end until Maximilien is executed himself.

What is the Convention?


This was another name for the lower working class.

What is sans culottes?


He was a young, popular French general during the Directory before a coup placed him in charge of the Consulate as the first consul.

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


This event shocked event foreign officials and, along with propaganda decrees that offered to help people "recover their liberty," led William Pitt to form the First Coalition.

What is the execution of King Louis XVI?


This gov't is known for its military success, due to strong nationalism and one young general who is twice successful in Italy and invades Egypt. Its executive branch included 5 leaders.

What is the Directory?


These three words made up the battle cry of the French Revolution.

What is Liberté, égalité, fraternité?


With the radical republic in place and her husband executed, she was simply referred to as "Widow Carpet."

Who is Marie Antoinette?


During the time of the National Assembly, King Louis XVI was forced from Versailles to Paris by the March of the Women, but he then tried (and failed) to do this!

What is flee France?


This gov't, despite negatives, should also be noted for its introduction of the metric system, abolishment of feudal laws, and other positives: improvements to education, rights to women, and freedom to slaves in French colonies.

What is the Convention?


This was a term for the nobles who left the country during the revolution, many hoping to return when things had settled down.

What is émigrés?


He is famous for arguing on behalf of the Third Estate, but also took part in the coup to replace the Directory with the Consulate.

Who is Abbey Sieyes?


The forming of this prompted Napoleon, despite being cut off in Egypt, to escape and bring aid to France and win another victory in Italy.

What is the forming of the Second Coalition?
