
Before the French Revolution society was divided into 3 social classes. What were they called?  Who was in each estate? 

Who are the 3 Social Estates; 

First; King and Clergy

Second; Knights and the Noble 

Third; Bourgeoise (Middle) and Lower Class (Peasants) 


The most important change in the French Revolution, is that it went from a monarchy with absolute power to a ______________ monarchy with limited power. 



After being locked out of the Estates Meeting the Third estate met at a _________ and took an oath to keep meeting until they created a ___________. 

Tennis Court/Constitution

: Tennis Court Oath


Who was Napoleon Bonaparte before he became the leader of France? Why did the citizens of France trust him? 

A really good Military General

He helped them win many wars during the Revolution and he joined the winning side of the revolution.


The three class system in which French society was divided before the revolution.



There was inequality in the tax structure in France. Advise what each estate paid? Who was carrying the heaviest burden? 

What is? 

First Estate: 2%

Second Estate: 0%

Third Estate: 50%

Third Estate carries the heaviest burden


Excerpt from: Miss Betham-Edwards, ed., Arthur Young’s Travels in France During the Years 1787, 1788, and 1789 “September 5, 1788: The poor people seem very poor indeed. The children are terribly ragged (worn down, neglected). June 10, 1789: The lack of bread is terrible. Stories arrive every moment from the provinces of riots and disturbances, and calling in the military, to preserve the peace of the markets….The price of bread has risen above people’s ability to pay. This causes great misery.

Analyze the excerpt and provide 3-4 examples of the causes of the revolution.

People are miserable 

Riots and disturbances (no peace)


Afraid that the King would use the Knights to stop the revolution, Parisians broke into the __________ to steal ____________/__________. Initiating the spark that started the Revolution. 


Guns and Gunpowder 


How was The Directory (government after the Radical Phase) overthrown and replaced? Why were the overthrown?

Napoleon overthrew the Government (Coup'detat)

They were full of corruption



The middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people


Marie Antoinette, American Revolution, and Building of Palaces such as Versailles are all examples of the things that increased governmental _________. 

What is Governmental Debt


After the Guillotine of King Louis the country gained enemies. This made the revolution more radical and violent because it led to _______ with foreign nations, in addition to the Revolution.



After trying to sneak out of his own country, King Louis XVI was captured and Guillotined right after. What was the consequence of having the King beheaded? 

France gained new enemies


“I closed the gulf of anarchy and brought order out of chaos. I rewarded merit regardless of birth or wealth, wherever I found it. I abolished feudalism and restored equality to all regardless of religion and before the law. I fought the decrepit monarchies of the Old Regime because the alternative was the destruction of all this. I purified the Revolution.”

Source: Letter, Napoleon Bonaparte, 1812

List 3-4 examples that reflect some of the good things Napoleon did for France and made him seem like a hero. 

1. Awarded citizens based on talent/merit not on social class/wealth

2. He got rid of Feudalism

3. Restored Equality for all

4. Brought order to the chaos (stopped the revolution)

5. Rebuilt France

6. Established a Banking System

7. Established an Education system



Citizens that have the right to vote 


Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and Equal Rights are all examples of _________ ideals influencing the French Revolution.  



On August 26, 1789 the National Assembly created _________ of ______ of ________ to provide everyone with equal rights.

Declaration of Rights of Man


Maximilien Robespierre was the head of the  ___________ of _________. Which ultimately led him to also get ___________ on July 28th, 1794, similar to King Louis XVI. 

Reign of Terror/Committee of Safety



List 3-4 examples that reflect how Napoleon turned into a tyrant or a dictator. 

1. He Crowned himself

2. Made his baby and additional relatives the leaders of the countries he took over 

3. Thousands of lives were lost to war

4. Caused France to gain more enemies



Government overthrow


 Excerpt from: Miss Betham-Edwards, ed., Arthur Young’s Travels in France During the Years 1787, 1788, and 1789 “September 5, 1788: The poor people seem very poor indeed. The children are terribly ragged (worn down, neglected). June 10, 1789: The lack of bread is terrible. Stories arrive every moment from the provinces of riots and disturbances, and calling in the military, to preserve the peace of the markets….The price of bread has risen above people’s ability to pay. This causes great misery.

Analyze the excerpt and provide 3-4 examples of the causes of the revolution.

Starving Women and Children 

No food available

Income is not enough 


.. We must ask ourselves three questions 

i. What is the Third Estate? Everything. 

ii. What has it been until now in the political Order? Nothing. 

iii. What does it want to be? Something. …  

— Abbé Sieyès, 1789 (adapted) 

4.      Based on this passage, what did the Third Estate want? 

Political Voice/Influence


Men, Children, and Women are starving in France. Angered by the lavish spending of the King and Queen 6,000 stormed the Palace of Versailles to steal food and to force the King to have a meeting with them. This event is called __________ of ___________.

March of Versailles


Set of laws Napoleon enacted that made life in France more fair. 

Napoleonic Code

Reign of Terror

Time period were traitors and counterrevolutionaries were beheaded (Guillotine)
