France in Crisis
French Revolution 1789

He thought that the role of Government should be to keep order and to keep people safe. He felt that people should enter into a social contract where they give up some of their rights to a higher authority in order to avoid chaos and anarchy. He saw people as selfish.

Who is Hobbes?


The Old Order, also known by this name, was riddled with corruption, massive inequalities and oppression. The 97% were getting very restless under this old order. 

What is the Ancien Régime?


Known as the Sun King, he built up Versailles to be the envy of Europe.  He was the prime example of an absolute monarch. He limited the power of nobles and persecuted non-Catholics. Known for saying "I am the state" or "The state that's me."

You must use the correct Roman numerals in your answer.

Who is Louis XIV?


Many people credit the act of taking over this Political Prison in Paris as the start the French Revolution.

What is the Bastille?


Emperor Leopold of this nation, along with King of Prussia issued a joint declaration (the Declaration of Pillnitz, August 1791) expressing concern about the developments in France. The French thought this was a declaration of war. They were more so worried about their family members. (Think Marie-Antoinette)



This enlightenment writer believed that people are born with a blank slate and that we are inherently good. He believed that Government should protect the rights of the people. He felt that people are born with certain unalienable rights; i.e. Life Liberty and Property

Who is John Locke?


This ineffective, weak and reluctant King prayed, "God help us for we reign too young," upon hearing that he was now the King of France. He would later be executed by the National Convention.

Use Roman Numerals.


Louis XVI


When this King of England took the throne his height measured at 5’4.” After members of Parliament became enraged with him, he was tried, convicted and executed. By the end he was cut down to 4’8.”  

John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were highly influenced by his execution, and wrote their thoughts on government as a result.

Who is Charles I? Or Charles the first...


This meeting of representatives of the three estates was called by the King to assist him in getting his financial affairs together. It hadn't convened since 1614.

What is the Estates General?


The principals of liberty, equality and fraternity became the rallying cry of the revolution after the DoRoMaC was signed into law. But what is fraternity?

What is Brotherhood?


Montesquieu thought that people who make the laws shouldn't be the same ones to enforce them or convict people for breaking them. The term for this belief is....

What is Separation of Powers?


Thanks to a remarkably cold winter in 1787, which included major hail storms, the wheat crop, staple to the French diet, was destroyed.  

These winters were due to a major dip in the climate, a period of time known by this name.

What is the Little Ice Age? (1300-1870)


These Monarchs are receptive and open to the ideas of the philosophers of the Age of Reason. 

Fredrick the Great - Saw himself as a monarch who uplifts the society he rules over.  

Joseph II - opened the doors of Austria to religious toleration and abolished serfdom. 

Catherine the Great....she was besties with Voltaire.

Who are Enlightened Despots?


Members of this group, made up mostly of the third estate, some nobleman and priests, swore to one another that they would not leave where the King plays POM, until they had drafted a Constitution. What is the name of the group?

For double points - what is the name of the promise?

What is the National Assembly?

Tennis Court Oath


A Women's March to Versailles ended with guards slaughtered, flour and food pillaged and the King and Queen forcibly removed and brought to the Tuileries Palace in this city.

What is Paris?


This enlightenment writer would mock Kings and Queens and the Church using satire.  He wrote plays that criticized Catholicism, and he was once held in the political prison in Paris for some of his writings. He was welcomed by many rulers of Europe.

Who is Voltaire?


The French debt skyrocketed, largely due to their involvement in wars in North America.  Name one War that helped to bankrupt France.

Louis XV's spent a significant amount in his fight against the British in the Seven Years War (a.k.a. French and Indian War.)

Louis openly aided the Americans during the American Revolution. Helping them win the war.


This is the type of social system that was most common during the medieval period. 

nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, 

vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, 

peasants (serfs) live on their lord's land and give him dues or homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection by knights.

Feudal System


After the storming of the political prison a belief in an aristocratic plot to strike back, hoard food and stave out peasants swept through the countryside.  The peasants attacked nobles in their chateaus.  What is the term given to this belief? Don't confuse it with the Reign of Terror they are two very different things.

What is the Great Fear?


When the National Assembly finally completed its Constitution it created a new government and new legislative body. This new body first met in September 1791.  What is the name of the Government under the new Constitution

What is the Legislative Assembly?


The Age of Reason grew out of the Scientific Revolution in which people started questioning traditional beliefs and accepted facts using science and experience.  Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo rejected the Church's teaching of the geocentric model. Many who disbelieved in church doctrine were charged as heretics.  What was the geocentric model and what was it replaced with?  

Earth was at the center; heliocentric or sun centered


Just before the meeting of the 3 estates at Versailles. The King ordered that Cahiers (Ky-yays) be created, which were books full of...what?

Cahiers - (ky-yays) Books full of listed grievances or complaints drawn up by each of the Three Estates


Provide three reasons why Marie Antoinette was not well liked by and/or unfit to rule the French People.

She wasn't from France; She was from Austria

She was only 19 when she became Queen of France.

She took a long time to produce an heir to the Throne

She spent frivolously.


This person, known as "the hero of two worlds," served as the new Governor of the oppressive political prison, which he ordered demolished. More importantly he wrote a document that served to abolish the feudal system in France giving rights to its citizens. He had a little help from his friend Thomas Jefferson in writing it. Name the man and the document?

Marquis de Lafayette and the DoRoMaC (Declaration  of Rights of Man and Citizen


The end of the old order took effect with the New Constitution. Name each estate and who is included within. Be sure to provide each class of the Third Estate.

1st Clergy - 2nd Nobles - 3rd Bourgeoisie/Sans Culottes/Peasants(Serfs)
