Key Terms

The king during the onset of the French Revolution.

Who was King Louis XVI?


Which country saw a major revolution occur from 1789-1799?

What is France?


A legislative body called by Louis XVI after facing significant pressure from disgruntled members of pre-Revolutionary France's upper classes.

What is the Estates General?

Double Opportunity: Who comprised each Estate?

Triple Opportunity: Why were the first and second Estate frustrated enough to ask the King to call the body in the first place?


From which two societies (countries) did the French people draw inspiration when first drafting its post-Revolutionary Constitution?

Great Britain and America


a military strategy that aims to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy when retreating from a position.

What is scorched earth policy?

double opportunity: Which country is notorious for using this strategy in the Napoleonic Wars?

triple opportunity: In what other war was this same strategy utilized by this same country?


Informal term used to denote ordinary, non-aristocratic Parisians devoted to Republican ideals; they were called this because they were without fine clothing

Who were the sans-culottes?

double opportunity: What is a republic? How is it different from [direct] democracy?


This is where the King lived; this is also where he called the Estates-General to convene.

What is Versailles?

DOUBLE OPPORTUNITY: In which location on the palace grounds did the Third Estate formally demand a Constitution from the King?


A love for one's country and a desire for self-rule.

(Napoleon used this to unite his people; ironically, this is also a major reason why Napoleon's empire would start to implode)

What is nationalism?

DOUBLE OPPORTUNITY: Think critically—why would the desire for self-rule be dangerous to a conqueror?


When society's wealth and power is consolidated in a largely-disproportionate manner

What is social inequality?

Double opportunity (complete this sentence): To illustrate this concept, we can look to pre-Revolutionary France, where the ____ Estate represented ____% of the population, yet only received 1/_ of the voting power in the Estates General.


The government established in France after the overthrow of the Directory in 1799 by Napoleon Bonaparte was.....

What is the Consulate?

double opportunity: What was Napoleon's formal title as leader of this new government?


A beloved figure of the early Revolution who was eventually executed for disloyalty; he advocated for an end to the growing number of Jacobin-sanctioned, public executions.

Who was Georges Danton?


At which military fortress did the first major uprising (and the outbreak of the Revolution) from the Third Estate occur?

What is the Bastille?

DOUBLE OPPORTUNITY: List two reasons why Parisians decided to riot at the Bastille.


A sudden overthrow of the government is called a __________.

What is a coup d'etat?


A period after the execution of Louis XVI characterized by great societal anxiety, unrest, distrust, and political corruption.

What is the Reign of Terror?

double opportunity: The above term is not to be confused with "the Great ______," which occurred immediately after the storming of the __________.


This agreement between the Church and Napoleon reinstated Catholicism as the majority religion in France again.

Concordat of 1801

double opportunity: Think critically—why do you think Napoleon would find it useful to re-legitimize the Catholic Church? Why do you think it lost favor in the first place?


The leader of the Committee of Public Safety; this man is widely recognized as a key perpetuator of the state-led terror that characterized post-Revolutionary France.

Who was Maximilien Robespierre?


The site where Napoleon Bonaparte was first exiled to

What is Elba?

Double Opportunity: How long did he stay in exile here?


Term used to describe the old economic, political, and social system that prevailed throughout pre-Revolutionary France.

What is feudalism?

(Will also accept absolute monarchy)


Describe at least three of the five reasons the public distrusted the Directory.

-Social inequality widened

-Power was consolidated in a body of just five men

-There were scandals and other immoral acts committed by the Council of Five

-The Directory used the military to squelch any uprisings

-The Directory failed to address economic upheaval and France was crippled by debt, inflation, and national bankruptcy


The _____ of ______ was a system of international diplomacy established by European powers after the second defeat of Napoleon; this multinational diplomatic body sought to end violence by restoring the old order of traditional European monarchies

What is the Concert of Europe? (will accept Congress of Vienna)


Political Moderates in the National Convention who wanted to stop the Revolutionary fever-pitch and start restoring order in France; this group believed enough war had been waged from within France, and believed (correctly) that other nations would further try to destabilize the country.

Who were the Girondists?


A coastal Cape off southwestern Spain where Napoleon suffered a major naval defeat at the hands of the British fleet.

What is Trafalgar?


Term used to describe a "new wealthy class"

Nouveau Riches


List four social reforms Napoleon and his government brought to the people.

-Establishment of public education system (lycees)

-Order and stability (concise laws, military rule, and the Napoleonic Code helped usher this in)

-Freedom of religion

-Universal taxation, slowing of inflation, and economic relief


Name all of the governments that would rule France during & following the declaration of the Tennis Court Oath (up through to the end of Napoleon's reign) 

must be in order

(hint: there were six)

1. Estates General

2. National Assembly

3. Committee of Public Safety

4. National Convention 

5. Directory / Council of Five

6. The Consulate / Napoleonic Empire
