People of the French Revolution

This contraption was used to execute thousands during the French Revolution

What is the Guillotine?


This phenomenon was caused by poor harvests, drove food prices up, and caused division and conflict in French society.

What are Food Shortages?


This individual was the radical leader of the Committee of Public Safety and was responsible for the Reign of Terror and the execution of thousands. He would ultimately be executed by the Guillotine in 1794 for being too radical. 

Who is Maximillian Robespierre? 


After getting locked out of the Estates General, the members of the 3rd Estate made this promise that they would not separate until a new constitution had been established for France.

What is the Tennis Court Oath?


Napoleon Bonaparte would give himself this title in 1804.

What is Emperor? 


These were the middle/ upper middle class people that made up part of the 3rd Estate

Who are the Bourgeois?


This structure caused the people of the 3rd Estate to pay for everything (taxes, tithes, war, debt, etc.) 

What is the Tax System or Social System?


This person was the Queen of France before/during the French Revolution and would end up being executed for treason. The phrase "Let them eat cake" is often attributed to this individual.

Who is Marie Antoinette? 


On July 14, 1789, French peasants took over a symbolic prison of the monarchy in this event that signified the "beginning" of the French Revolution.

What is the Storming of the Bastille? 


This image depicts Napoleon crossing what mountain range in order to conquer his enemies.

What are the Alps?


This French term describes the illegal removal of a government and its powers, typically by a political faction, the military, or a dictator. 

What is a Coup d'état? 


This historic event, started in the 1770s, was successful partially due to the aid, money, and resources provided by France. This event would cause French citizens to do the same, and it caused massive amounts of debt for France. 

What is the American Revolution?


This individual was a French Revolutionary who was very prominent during the "Moderate" phase and "Radical" phase and he called for the execution of King Louis XVI. He would ultimately be executed during the Reign of Terror for being called a counter-revolutionary.

Who is Georges Danton? 


From September 5, 1793- July 28, 1794, this event during the "Radical" phase of the Revolution occurred that was characterized by mass amounts of violence, paranoia, and executions via the Guillotine. 

What is the Reign of Terror?


Napoleon's downfall would begin when he failed to invade this country in 1812.

What is Russia?


This is an agreement or treaty, especially one between the Vatican and a secular government relating to matters of mutual interest. Napoleon would make one with the Catholic Church in 1801.

What is a Concordat? 


This philosophical branch of thinking inspired the people of France with thoughts of Natural Rights, Freedom of Speech and Religion, Separation of Powers, Popular Sovereignty, Logic, and Reason. 

What is the Enlightenment/What are Enlightenment Ideas? 


(DAILY DOUBLE) This individual was the Holy Roman Emperor from 1790-1792 and brother to the Queen of France. He opposed the revolutions of France and intended on an armed intervention in the country's affairs. 

Who is Leopold II


In August of 1789, this document was published that stated, "men are born and remain free and equal in rights?"

What is The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?


The Estate system was completely abolished and every Frenchman was guaranteed civil rights under this set of laws published in 1804. 

What is the Napoleonic Code?


(DAILY DOUBLE) Created after the execution of King Louis XVI, this group was established and began functioning as a dictatorship during the "Radical" phase of the French Revolution. They organized the Reign of Terror. 

What/who is the Committee of Public Safety?


This was the belief that one person, family, or bloodline had a "Divine Right" to rule over people. These rulers would be responsible for the Palace of Versailles and the huge amount of debt that France would amass.

What is Absolutism? What/Who are Absolute Monarchs?


This individual would inspire the 3rd Estate to seek power at the Estates General. Famously stated, "What is the Third Estate? Everything. What has it been in the political order? Nothing. What does it desire to be? Something!"

Who is Abbé Sieyès?


On October 5, 1789, this event took place that was sparked by rumors of French royals/nobles hoarding food and resulted in the forced return of the royal family to Paris.

What is the Women's March on the Palace of Versailles?


Napoleon's last defeat would take place at this place in Belgium. 

What is the Battle of Waterloo/ What is Waterloo?
