Social Classes
The Bourbon Family
Death, Murder, and Violence
Governments of the Revolution

Name all three of the social classes in France before the revolution and their makeup.

Third Estate- Commoners/peasantry

Second Estate- Nobility

First Estate- Clery


Which building did King Louis XIV build during his reign?

Palace of Versailles


Which building was stormed by the Third Estate? Why was it stormed?

The Bastille (prison) was stormed in order to get gun powder for their weapons. 


France's government type changed from what to what before and after the revolution?

Absolute Monarchy to Republic


How much taxes do each estate pay in France before the revolution? How about the population make up for the Third Estate?

First estate pays all the taxes and the nobility and clergy are exempt

about 80-90%


Who is Marie Antoinette? How did the French people feel about her?

She was the Archduchess of Austria before marrying King Louis XVI. The French populace hated her for her lavish spending and her heritage. They nicknamed her Madam Deficit. 


What is the Bastille symbolic of? How does the event become important?

Symbol of the Kings power or misuse of it (he can jail anyone at any time with no evidence)

French people still celebrate Bastille day on July 14th!


Name at least two reforms of the National Assembly from any of the following categories: Political, Religious, Social/Economic

Political:All male citizens are equal and can vote, limited power of monarchy, Legislative Assembly to make laws

Freedom of religion, took over church lands, French Catholic Church under control of the state

No special powers for nobility, end to feudalism, taxes according to who can pay


Name the middle class members of the Third Estate and their main reason for joining the French Revolution

Bourgeoisie, they wanted less taxation and more representation in government 


Which King Louis ended feudalism? What is feudalism? 

King Louis XIV;The social/economic system where nobles live on the Monarch's land giving him fealty and the peasants live and work on the noble's land in exchange for protection.


Which device became the execution method for the Revolution and why was it used?

The guillotine because it was seen as humane and egalitarian (equal across all social classes)


Which is group took the lead during the National Convention? which period of the French Revolution then began?

The jacobin group which began the Reign of Terror


What was controversial about voting during the Estates General? Also, how exactly were votes taken by person or by Estate?

Votes were by Estate which allowed the First and Second Estate to outvote the Third Estate on every issue. 


Why did King Louis and Marie Antoinette attempt to flee France? Where were they going? What happened on the journey?

They were fleeing the Jacobins who were rapidly gaining influence. They knew they would be killed so they tried to flee to Austria. King Louis was recognized and they were brought to Paris.


What happens to Napoleon and his men during his campaign in Russia? How many men go back to Paris?

The Russians retreat and refuse to fight his men. Napoleon finds himself in the middle of winter unprepared, he loses 500,000 of his 600,000 men. 


Name the constitution that was drafted for the National Assembly and the person who wrote it.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

Marquis de Lafayette


Name the vocab term that fits the following definition: members of the Third Estate who became radical and militant members of the revolution in response to their poor quality of life under the Old Regime



King Louis ____ get France involved in the Seven Years' War better known in America as the _______________________. Fill in the Blanks

XV (15)

French and Indian War


Name the group and leader that carried out the Reign of Terror. Also, the secret police force who ran the military tribunals sentencing Parisians to die. Lastly, about how many were killed during this period?

Jacobins, Robespierre

Committee of Public Safety, 30,000-40,000


Which was the third government to rule during the French Revolution and what happens to this government.

The Directory and Napoleon takes over this government using the military 
