French Revolution
More French Revolution
Fill in the Blank

The Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen

A. was established by the Church to make the Bible more accessible
B. outlined the rights awarded to French citizens
C. outlined the rights awarded to Russian citizens

B. outlined the rights awarded to French citizens


The Legislative Assembly was

A. the document of rights awarded to French citizens
B. a representative government, created by the Third Estate
C. a new political body established to create laws and approve or reject war

B. a representative government, created by the Third Estate


Napoleonic Code 

A. disbanded the Third Estate
B. established laws and eliminated many injustices, but limited other liberties
C. officially removed Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette from the throne

B. established laws and eliminated many injustices, but limited other liberties


 Which was not one of the three mistakes Napoleon made

A. The Continental System
B. The Bastille Movement
C. The Peninsular War

B. The Bastille Movement


The device used to behead people during the French Revolution was called a ________



The Reign of Terror was

A. the period during the French Revolution where opposers were executed
B. the storming of the Bastille
C. the code name for the dictatorship of Napoleon

A. the period during the French Revolution where opposers were executed


The National Assembly 

A. the document of rights awarded to French citizens
B. established a representative government, created by the Third Estate
C. a new political body established to create laws and approve or reject war

C. a new political body established to create laws and approve or reject war


 The outcome of the battle at Waterloo was 

A. Napoleon defeated the Prussians
B. Napoleon defeated the British
C. Napoleon surrendered and was exiled

C. Napoleon surrendered and was exiled


The Congress of Vienna was

A. a meeting to establish the new European order
B. the meeting that allowed Russia to practice the scorched earth policy
C. the event that started the French Revolution

A. a meeting to establish the new European order


Peasants and the bourgeoisie made up the _______ Estate

Third Estate


A “blow to the state”, or a violent seizure of power from a government is a 

A. baleine
B. guillotine
C. coup d’e’tat

C. coup d’e’tat


The First Estate was made up of

A. rich nobles
B. church clergy
C. bourgeoisie and peasants

B. church clergy


The Battle of Trafalgar was significant because 

A. it was the only major battle Napoleon lost at the height of his dictatorship
B. it established the Napoleonic Code
C. it was the battle that started the French Revolution

A. it was the only major battle Napoleon lost at the height of his dictatorship


The military dictator that reigned after the French Revolution was

A. Maximilien Robespierre
B. Napoleon Bonaparte
C. Louis XVIII

B. Napoleon Bonaparte


_____ __________ was King Louis XVI's wife

Marie Antoinette


Bastille Day was 

A. the start of the French Revolution when the Parisian prison was stormed
B. the day Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were executed
C. the day Napoleon took over the General Assembly

A. the start of the French Revolution when the Parisian prison was stormed


Maximilien Robespierre

A. was the leader of the Reign of Terror
B. was Napoleon’s name before becoming dictator
C. the philosopher who believed in the Social Contract theory

A. was the leader of the Reign of Terror


The Continental System was

A. a meeting to establish the new European order
B. Russia’s the scorched earth policy and the harsh winter
C. a blockade of ports to close off Great Britain from trading

C. a blockade of ports to close off Great Britain from trading


Napoleon's Invasion of Russia was a failure because

A. Russia was having its own revolution
B. Russia used the scorched earth policy and the harsh winter hurt French troops
C. Napoleon blockaded ports to close off Russia from trading

B. Russia used the scorched earth policy and the harsh winter hurt French troops


The Estates-General met in the Palace of _________.



King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were

A. indecisive rulers who were not liked by their subject
B. popular rulers who were loved by their subjects
C. the leaders of the French Revolution

A. indecisive rulers who were not liked by their subject


The Third Estate was angry at the monarchy and other Estates because

A. as the wealthiest members of the population, they paid the highest amount in taxes
B. as the poorest members of the population, they paid the highest amount in taxes
C. they were the population being executed at the highest rates

B. as the poorest members of the population, they paid the highest amount in taxes


 The Peninsular War was when

A. Russia used the scorched earth policy and the harsh winter
B. Napoleon blockaded ports to close off Great Britain from trading
C. Napoleon sent his military to Spain and Portugal

C. Napoleon sent his military to Spain and Portugal


The Second Estate was made up of

A. peasants and bourgeoisie
B. rich nobles
C. church clergy

B. rich nobles


Bastille Day is celebrated on the 14th of ______.

