French Revolution I
French Revolution II

The leader of the Committee of Public Safety and a dictator during the Reign of Terror who ruled France through terror.  

Who was Robespierre?


This was the assembly by which King Louis XVI needed to call in order to raise taxes on the people of France.

What is the Estates General?


Napoleon came to power through this action.

What was a coups d'etat?


Where did Napoleon die?

St. Helena


This region was created to give the Inuit greater self-determination.

What is the Territory of Nunavut?


The phrase “men are born and remain free and equal in rights” appears in this French Revolution document modelled after the Declaration of Independence.

What is the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen"?


Any 2 symbols of the French Revolution.

What are the Storming of the Bastille, French Tri-Colour[flag], la Marseillaise  [anthem], guillotine, Phrygian cap, the use of the term citizen, Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen [Constitution], Tennis Cour Oath [others?]


Under Napoleon’s rule, this comprehensive legal code was introduced, establishing reforms in civil law, including equality before the law and the protection of property rights.

What is the Napoleonic Code (or Code Napoléon)?


After his defeat at this famous 1815 battle, Napoleon was exiled to the island of Saint Helena, where he spent the remainder of his life.

What is the Battle of Waterloo?


What were the series of meetings in Austria that aimed at peace in Europe known as? These meetings also reconstructed territory in Europe and restored the Monarch. 

The Congress of Vienna


He was the last Bourbon leader to rule France by divine right.

Who was Louis XVI?


These were the 2 political parties of France at the time of the National Convention.

What were the Jacobins & Girondins?


This 1812 invasion, where Napoleon's army faced a harsh winter and fierce resistance, marked the beginning of his downfall as a military leader.

What is the invasion of Russia (or the Russian Campaign)?


What Naval Battle was the French defeated by the British convincing Napoleon not to invade?

Battle of Trafalgar 


What Island was Napoleon exhiled after his defeat at the battle of Leipzig



2 changes that the National Assembly created in France.

What is abolishing the Feudal System in France, the creation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen [civil liberty], and the Constitution of the Clergy [limiting church power and the electing of the bishops and priests to office], others?


Marie Antoinette was executed as a result of these factors [List 3].

What was extravagant spending, attempting to flee France [Flight to Varennes], indifference to the people of France's needs, as a symbol of the defeat of the Ancien regime [others?]


In 1804, Napoleon did this in the famed Notre Dame cathedral, solidifying his power and control over the French Empire.

What was, he crowned himself Emperor of France?


This nationalist concept embodied the belief that the U.S. was destined to expand across the North American continent, driven by national pride and a sense of purpose; as is evident in the U.S bought the Louisiana territory in 1803 from Napoleon. 

What was "Manifest Destiny" and its link to American expansionism and Napoleon?


The term for when the citizens of a nation-state [or any nation] are self-aware of their existence and purpose.

What is a collective consciousness?


These were the rallying cries of the French revolutionaries. 

What is liberte, egalite and fraternite?


This political system, established after the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution, was based on the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity but was marked by the Reign of Terror and political instability before Napoleon's rise to power.

What is the French Republic? (or: What is the First French Republic?)


The most important "side effect" of Napoleon's expansion into other parts of Europe was this concept.

What was [a rise in]nationalism?


What was Napoleon's economic plan to defeat the British

What was The Continental System?


This is Mr. Olson's favourite flavour of gelato.

What is coconut?
