what is Interest?
The money paid by a borrower for the use of someone else's money.
what is an Archive?
a place where public records or historical documents are kept.
What was Marie Antionette known for?
a gambler and married to Louis XVI
spent a lot of money of clothes
couldn't relate to the poor
created the peasant village
was decapitated
What was the March on Versallies?
It was led by 6,000 women that charged the castle in search of grain and bread
what is the Estates General?
what is a title deed?
a document stating a person's legal ownership
What kind of leader was King Louis XVI?
gave into his wife Marie Antionette
What was the Storming of Bastille?
when the militia from the third estate charged and overthrew the guards to get gunpowder, release prisoners, and killed Governor Lohnay in the process.
What is a Delegation?
a group of people chosen to speak on behalf of a larger group
what is a yoke?
a harness used to restrain work animals; something that takes people's freedom away.
What was Versallies famous for?
It's where the king and queen lived
what is a Finance Minister?
the government official in charge of a government's money
What was Bastille famous for?
It was a fort that held prisoners and gunpowder
It was invaded by the third estate militia
what is a province?
an area or region similar to a state