Napoleon declared himself to be a ___________ of the French Revolution
What is supporter
The leader of the Reign of Terror
What is Robespierre
This was the civil code put out by Napoleon that granted equality of all male citizens before the law and granted absolute security of wealth and private property
What is the Napoleonic Code
Weak King of France
Who is Louis XVI
This Cause of the French Revolution was shared with the American Revolution
What is high/unfair taxes or debt
Radical republicans during the French Revolution. They were led by Maximilian Robespierre from 1793 to 1794
Most common way of execution
What is guillotine
Made up the second Estate with a population of 350,000 and 25% of land ownership
What are Nobles
Leader of the Terror
Who is Maximilian Robespierre
This cause of the Revolution was thanks to irresponsible spending by King Louis XVI on things such as wars and his Royal Court
What is Debt
Working men who didn't wear short pants
Who were the sans-culotte
A highlight of the Reign of Terror was the execution of this hated royal woman who was married to the king
What is Marie Antoinette
Nobles were part of this estate
What is the Second Estate
Stabbed to death in a bathtub, he wrote the Friend of the People newspaper
Who is Jean Paul Marat?
Limited government, natural rights and freedom of speech were ideas from the _____________ that surely contributed to the revolution
What is the Enlightenment
American document that inspired the French
The Declaration of Independence
When this man died it ended the Reign of Terror
What is Robespierre
This group made up the First Estate
What is Clergy
French Finance minister who could no longer control French Spending
Who is Robert Turgot
Written rules that solidified changes enacted during the French Revolution that reflected Enlightenment ideas
What is the Napoleonic Code
Meeting of the three Estates
What is the Estates-General
Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution
What is Declaration of the Rights of Men
This group off merchants, lawyers and bankers made up the higher end of the Third Estate
What is Bourgeosie
Leader of the Revolution, first president of the Committee of Public Safety, executed by Robespierre for Treason
Who is Georges Danton
What other revolution sparked ideas to the French Revolution?
What is the American Revolution?