Main Causes of the French Revolution
Important Events
Three Estates
Things to Know
Terms to Know

France's money and assets were being wasted & drained by the monarchy. For example, France spent $1.3 billion supporting the American Revolution, 2nd/1st estates didn't pay taxes.

What is Financial Crisis?


The oath which the National Assembly took to promise to write their own Constitution. This was done in an interesting location.

What is Tennis Court Oath?

This estate, made up the majority of the population in France.
What is the Third Estate (Commoners)?

This person is Austrian & married a French king. SHE spent a lot of MONEY on clothes and jewelry.

Who is Marie-Antoinette?

Commoners proudly called themselves this, because they did not wear Fine Clothes and formal socks.
What are the Sans-Culottes?

There was not enough grain and wheat to make flour or bread. People were starving and their children were dying because of this.

What are food shortages?

7,000 people marched to Versailles with pitchforks and pikes, demanding food for their children. Who are these Women?
Who are Women of Paris?
They made up 1.5% of the population and owned 25% of the land. They held positions in government, military, law courts and in the Roman Catholic Church. They are the 2nd Estate.
Who are the Nobles or Nobility?

The architect of the French Revolution, a leader of the National Convention and the Reign of Terror.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre?

In total, 40,000 people died in the Revolution. Roughly 16,000 died using this machine to behead people.
What is the Guillotine?

The 3rd Estate realized that it was possible to revolt against a monarchy. They figured... 'If those colonies across the Atlantic could demand equal representation and rights, the French people could too. What event are they referring to?

What is the American Revolution?

This document adopted individual rights and liberties for all citizens & conveniently ignored women's rights, and slavery.
What is the Declaration of Rights of Man?
This group paid 100% of all the Taxes in France but only owned about 65% of all land.
What is the Third Estate/Commoners?

Created by the Commoners, since they were locked out of the meeting place. They took the Tennis Court Oath that they would produce a French Constitution.

What is National Assembly?

On July 14, 1789, this armory and prison was surrounded in Paris and was taken apart brick by brick.
What is the Storming of the Bastille?

These were a group of men, intellectuals, social reformers, economists, writers who applied REASON to progress society.

Who are philosophers or enlightenment thinkers?

A meeting was called by Louis XVI to discuss France's Financial Crisis. What is the name of this legislative body? The __________ ___________.
What is the Estates-General

They made up 0.5% of the population and owned 10% of the land. They were cardinals and bishops. They are the First Estate.

What is the Clergy?


This situation in France worsened when poor harvest caused the price of flour to increase.

What is the Rising Cost of Bread?


Formed by the National Convention and created a temporary executive government. This Committee defended France from domestic and external threats. (It also executed thousands of people who disagreed with them).

What is the Committee of Public Safety?


Volcano eruption & drought led to POOR harvests which led to famine.

What are drastic weather conditions?


This is the nickname for the efficient and cruel method of killing/DROWNING many people at once on the River Nantes.

What is the National Bathtub?

They were part of the Third Estate/Commoners and were considered the MIDDLE CLASS. (They owned 20% of the land within the 3rd estate). They were unhappy with the privileges held by nobles.
What is the Bourgeoisie?

Louis XVI and his grandfather Louis XV both LED France down a path of FAILED wars and poor economic decisions.

What is failed leadership?


This term means to have a strong feeling of pride and devotion to one’s country. It spread throughout France giving people a national identity.

What is Nationalism?
