The Old Regime
Causes of the French Revolution
Important People
Influential Events
1.Rural 2.Agricultural 3.Corporate 4.Autocratic 5.Patriarchal
What are characteristics of the Old regime in France?
3 Enlightenment thinkers: wanted the GENERAL WILL, attacked the Church with Deism, established a system of Checks and Balances
Who is Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu?
King and Queen of France that were publicly executed
Who is Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette?
Period between 1792-94 where France was divided. France went to war with Prussia, Austria, the execution of Louis XVI took place as well as the convention.
What is the Radical Phase or Reign of Terror? (both accepted)
Person in power before the Revolution, during the Old Regime.
Who is Louis XIV?
Wealthy land owners, rule through birthright, have the right to hunt, tax privileges/tax exemptions (not the 99%)
Who are the Nobility?
Revolution that the French assisted in, the ideals of revolution were brought back with the French soldiers that fought there
What is the American Revolution?
led the reign of terror, extremely paranoid and accused those that would compete with him for power of being a counter revolutionary.
Who is Maximilien Robespierre?
After hearing rumors of soldiers being sent into the countryside, peasants become fed up with their constant struggle and poverty. They attacks manor houses and the nobility, destroying documents for feudal dues and taking food.
What is the Great Fear?
Document that restricted the power of the Catholic Church, made them a branch of the secular state. Gave away church owned lands and was made without consultation from religious figures.
What is the Civil Constitution of the Clergy?
They are uneducated, poor, have little to no chance of advancement, range from partial land owners to poverty, and most pay feudal dues
What is the Peasant class?
1.Nobility vs. Monarchy 2. Bourgeoisie vs. Nobility 3. Peasants vs. Nobility
What are the conflicting groups among French Society?
The sister to King Leopold of Austria.
Who is Marie Antoinette?
Abbé Siéyès led the Third estate and pushed for proportional representation, Louis XVI was unwilling to comply with this so liberal members of the first and second estate joined the third estate and created this.
What is the National Assembly?
Educated radicals that were enlightenment thinkers, wanted equality for the people, popular sovereignty, and to have progress with the revolution...NO MONARCHY!
Who are the Jacobins?
They are educated and drawn from the Nobility, were advisers to the Monarch, used censorship, and owned a larch amount of land
What is the Church/Clergy?
Split into three estates with 250 representatives, representation among the estates is not proportional, voting done by estate not by individual members
What is Estates General?
Jacques Danton and Maximilien Robespierre
Who are the leaders of the Committee of Public Safety?
Created August 17, 1789 with 17 articles about equality and rights
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?
Interested in social measures and lowering the burden on the poor, creating a price ceiling, and having economic protection for the poor.
Who are the radicalized Sans-culottes?
Educated people that mimicked the nobility, believed in earning your way, were artisans, merchants, and lawyers. They would also eventually challenge the nobility.
Who is the Bourgeoisie?
High unemployment rate, Monarchy spent money on wars abroad, Louis XVI calls Estates General to meet in order to find a solution to this
What is the economic crisis?
Fought in the American Revolution, headed the national guard in the Moderate phase, eventually had to flee France because he was opposed to the execution of Louis XVI
Who is the Marquis de Lafayette?
This was dominated by radical Jacobins, it was decided here to move France from a constitutional monarchy to a republic as well as the execution of Louis XVI
What is the Convention?
The documents that anyone can write and send to the Estates General about the problems they face in the country (limited to literate)
What is the Cahiers de doleances?