Que signifie "en voiture"?
What is "by car"
Découvrir les endroits
What is "Discover places"
le passeport
What is "the passport" in French?
Translate to English "la douane"
What is "customs"
Translate to English "Je vais faire la valise"
What is "I am going to pack the suitcase"
Translate to English "en train".
What is "by train"
Rencontrer de nouvelles personnes
What is "to meet new people"
les documents
What is "documents" in French?
comment dites-vous en francais "to check in"?
What is "S'enregister"
Comment dites- vous en francaise "to gather/ put together"?
What is "rassembler"
Que signifie "a pied"?
What is "by foot"
Rendre visite a la famille
What is "to visit family"
Comment dites-vous en francais "boarding pass"?
What is "la carte d'embarquement"
Translate to english "le retrait des bagages"
What is "baggage claim"
What does the expression "il faut mean"?
What is "It is necessary"
Translate to English "en avion"
What is "by plane"
Comment dites vous en francais "for tourism"?
What is "pour le tourisme"
Comment dites-vous en francais "plane ticket"?
What is "billet d'avion"
comment dites-vous en francais "arrivals"?
What is "arrivees"
Translate to French "I have to speak "
"What is "Je dois parler"
Comment dites vous en francais "by boat"
What is "en bateau"
Comment dites-vous en francais "to explore/see the world"
What is "explorer le monde/ voir le monde"
Translate to English " le bagage a main"
What is "hand luggage"
Translate to English "les departs"
What is "departures"
Translate to English "tu dois partir a dix heures"