Helpful Little Words
What is the song for the verb faire and what does it mean? Give an example.
(In the tune of Rebecca Black) Je fais Tu fais Il fais, Elle fais, On fais Nous faisons Vous faites Ils font, Elles font Faire- to do eg. je fais de la danse tous les jours. i do dance every day.
What are the two words for because and also?
prace que et car aussi et en plus (this can also mean plus or and)
What is during the holidays and during the week in french?
pendant- les vacances - la semaine
What is 'I am tired' in french
J'ai sommeil
List three examples of what you can do at home?
-faire ses devoirs (do homework) -ecouter des CD (listen to CD) -telephone a des amis (telephone some friends) -regarder la television (watch the television) -utiliser l'ordinateur (play on the computer) -faire les courses (go shopping)
What is the french song for the verb aller and what does it mean?
Click here for tune- je vais tu vas il va elle va nous allons vous allez ils vont elles vont eg. Je vais chez elle l'apres-midi. I'm going to her house in the afternoon. Aller- to go
How do you say often?
souvent * words relating to how often must be placed after the verb or at the beginning of the sentence.
How do you say before school and after school?
avent l'ecole apres l'ecole
What is 'J'ai une matinee tres occupee' in english
I have a very busy morning
How do you say 'once or twice a week' in french?
une ou deux fois par semaine
What is the french song for 'er' verbs and give an example of a sentence.
(in the tune of frerojacya) e es e e es e ons ons ez ent ez ent ons ons eg. je joue au tennis avec mon ami. I play tennis with my friend.
What are the two words for however and than?
cependant et pourtant puiss et ensuite
How do you say everyday and on the weekend?
tous les jouers le weekend
'I'm lucky, hey?'- translate to french
J'ai de la chance, hein?
List three sports that you'd do (faire).
judo, skate, surf, danse, voile, patinage, natation, velo, cyclisme, aller, l'athletisme, gymnastique, ski, cheval, camping, courses ect.
What is the french song for 'ir' verbs and give an example.
For tune go here- chois is chois is chois it chois issons chois issez chois issent (repeat for the following verb begginings- fin (to finish) gross (to put on weight) maigrir (to lose weight) reussir (to succeed) eg. Je finis l'ecole a la trois heure. I finish school at three o'clock.
What is the french word for normally and rarely?
normalement rarement * words relating to how often must be placed after the verb or at the beginning of the sentence.
How do you say in the morning and in the afternoon?
le matin l'apres-midi
How do you say 'it's time to go home' in french
c'est l'heure de rentrer chez moi
List three sports that can be played (jouer)
foot, tennis, badmington, rugby, golf, basket, hockey, volley, ping-pong, cricket, cartes, l'ordinateur ect.
What do the following 'er' verbs mean and use them in a sentence. e'couter danser manger reposer
e'couter- to listen eg. J'aime e'couter de la musique a la radio. I like to listen to music on the radio. danser- to dance eg. Je fais du danse classique I do dance manger- to eat eg. J'aime manger a McDonalds. I like to eat at McDonalds. reposer- to rest eg. J'aime me reposer! I like to rest!
What are the two words for sometimes?
quelquefois et parfois * words relating to how often must be placed after the verb or at the beginning of the sentence.
Translate in French- We're going to their house at 5 o'clock
Nous allons chez eux a cinq heures
'Enfin je suis libre!'- translate to english
Finally, I am free!
List three examples of social activities
-faire un pique-nique (have a picnic) -aller au cinema (go to the cinema) -diner au restaurant (have diner at a restaurant) -aller au cafe (go to a cafe) -aller en ville avec des amis (go to the city with some friends)