This person has the same middle name as both Isolde and Ava
Who is Karma? (Marie)
This is most people's favorite type of class
What are Electives?
This is the road our school is on
Where is Twin Lakes Road?
This was the football team's quarterback this year
Who is Lucien Paz?
This is the fish that is used to make Calamari
What is squid?
Their favorite major city is San Diego
Who is Finley?
This is where most people in our class live
Where is Twisp?
This is the year our school was founded
When is 1973?
This is where our football team won at state in 2023
Where is Husky Stadium?
What the following words have in common: isosceles, equilateral, and scalene
What is Triangles?
This person has the best Donald Duck voice
Who is Zebo?
This is the year most of our class was born in
When is 2010?
This is the year our school was built
When is 1996?
This was the score of the Senior-Freshman Winterfest basketball game last week
What is 22-23
This is the national animal of Scotland
What is a Unicorn?
This person has 12 horses
Who is Katy?
This is the number of times has our class gone to Slidewaters
What is 2?
This teacher coached Hinkley in college
Who is Mr. Brooks?
This was the score of the girls' basketball game on senior night against LR
What is 45-39?
These are the 3 branches of the US government
What are the legislative, executive, and judicial branches?
Who is Gavin?
This is the most common birthday month in our class
When is May?
These are the names of Mrs. Darwood's kids
Who are Harper and Huck?
the number of titles the girls XC team has won
what is 3?
This Peanuts character is always playing the piano
Who is Schroder?