Important People
This is the administrator that oversees the freshman class. He will follow your class until you are seniors. You may see him roving the halls, in the lunch rooms or may even get a pass to come see him in his office.
What is Mr. Estrada, the Vice Prinicpal
This is how some students are able to stay for tutorials and activities when they do not have a ride home. You must sign up for it by 2:50 and have a pass from the activity you stayed for to get on.
What is the late bus
The person you go see if you are not feeling well. She also will call you down for annual health check. Her office is located in the 200's hallway.
Who is Mrs. Amato, your school nurse.
I can use email, an appointment slip or stop in during unit lunch.
How do I make an appointment to see my counselor?
This is the first person you will see when you open the house office doors. She can help with attendance and offer answer many questions you may have about Hunterdon Central.
Who is Mrs. Rocha, your house office secretary.
Using a purple form, I need to provide information about my absences when I go over the number of day out allowed.
How do I appeal a loss of credit.
A specialty counselor who provides more in depth meetings to help students with a variety of issues they may face throughout high school. You may also see a four legged furry friend by her side.
Who Mrs. Rider and LUCY, your Student Assistance Counselor
You are allowed 4 of these for a 2.5 credits semester long class, and 9 of these for a year long 5 credit class.
What is absences.
The four most important people in the school. The will call you in many times throughout high school to talk about variety of issues. They will guide you on academic, social and college related issues.
Who are your freshman counselors Mr. Cubberly, Mrs. Devlin, Mrs. Edgar and Mr. Mantore.
A place you go to find useful information about policies and procedures, and important dates. You can find the Program of Studies that provides information about your classes and credits as well as the student handbook.
What is the Hunterdon Central Website?