Name one Early Society we are learning about.
(answers could vary)
eg. Six Nations, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Ancient Rome, Mesopotamia, Indus, etc.
What does "BCE" stand for?
Before Common Era
How many levels of government are there?
Name at least 1 thing the Municipal Government is responsible for.
-Snow Removal
-Waste Management
What is Ms. Howard's first name?
What is an Archeologist?
Archeologist = a scientist who discovers man-made objects from the distant past to learn more about the development of various civilizations.
What does "CE" stand for?
Common Era
Name the three levels of government.
Federal, Provincial and Municipal
Name at least 1 thing the Provincial Government is responsible for.
In french, what day of the week comes after Friday?
What kind of culture was the Six Nations?
Hunter-Gatherer Culture
What is a society?
Society = a large group sharing the same spatial or social territory.
What is the "4th Level of Government" referred to as?
Shared Government
Name at least 1 thing the Federal Government is responsible for.
-Money and Banking
How many days are there in a year?
Name 1 reason how we are different than societies in the past.
-We have access to grocery stores to buy our food
-We have better protection from dangers (eg. weather, predators, etc.)
Name one way the environment could affect the way a society lived.
-Poor soil
-Near water for food and hygiene
-Near forestry for lumber and supplies
-Near other societies for socialization and protection
Describe an issue that is happening in Nunavut.
-Food Scarcity (lack of proper food)
What is the definition of government?
Government refers to the system of leadership in a community or region.
What types of colour are Red, Blue, and Yellow considered?
Primary Colours
Name 1-2 Eras that the past has been broken down into.
-Bronze Age
-Iron Age
-Classical Era
-Medieval Period
Name 1 way we are like societies in the past.
-We live in groups
-We need water and food for survival
-We choose where we live based on things we value
Describe a way we can help bring awareness to this issue in Nunavut.
(answers may vary)
-Social Media
-Writing Letters to the Government
What is the difference between a "right" and a "freedom"?
Right = something you are entitled to as a Canadian citizen (eg. Right to live in Canada)
Freedom = something you should do to exercise your rights as a Canadian citizen (eg. to speak your own thoughts and opinions)
How do you say the word "happy" in Spanish?
Contenta (feminine)
Contento (masculine)