the lateral circumflex femoral a. branches from what artery? What are its 3 branches?

branches from Profunda femoris (from femoral a.). 

ascending, transverse and descending branches


The lesser saphenous vein was mobilized for grafting. Following the surgery, the patient complained of a loss of cutaneous sensation at the distal posterolateral side of the leg, lateral side of the foot and small toe. What nerve was damaged during the operation?



The team doctor tells a football player that he has "a pulled hamstring" muscle. This results from a tearing of the origin of a hamstring muscle from the:

ischial tuberosity


The deep femoral artery is the principle blood source for the muscles in which compartment of the thigh

posterior (hamstrings)


As a patient with paralyzed gluteus medius and minimus muscles on the left side attempts to stand on the left limb only, the right side of the pelvis typically:



During surgical repair of a popliteal artery aneurism, ligation of the femoral artery at mid-thigh would not interrupt supply to the hamstring muscles because the

 Perforating branches of the deep femoral artery supply the posterior thigh


During recovery from a gunshot wound of the right pelvis, the patient notices a lurch in his gait. When he lifts his left foot off of the ground, his pelvis dips down on the left side. The nerve that appears to have been injured is the:

superior gluteal n


An elderly patient complains of difficulty in walking up stairs. Tests by her doctor reveal weakness in extension at her hip, but no change in hip flexion, or flexion or extension of the knee. Based upon these results, what muscle is most likely not functioning properly.

Weakness in climbing stairs or jumping would indicate a lesion of which nerve?

glut max

inferior gluteal n


Following surgical opening of the adductor canal, a patient experienced a loss of cutaneous sensation of the medial side of the leg. Which nerve was cut?



A player is kicked on the front of his leg during a soccer game, and a large bruise develops. A hematoma deep to the crural fascia can create extreme pressure within the anterior compartment of the leg, compressing structures within it. The most likely finding resulting from this anterior compartment syndrome is: 

 numbness on the dorsum of the foot
 inability to evert the foot
 inability to invert the foot
 foot drop
 inability to plantarflex the foot 

foot drop


Of the branches of the internal iliac artery, the one exiting from the greater sciatic foramen superior to the piriformis muscle is the:

superior gluteal a. 


A long distance runner complained of swelling and pain of his shin. At physical examination, skin testing showed normal cutaneous sensation of the leg. However, muscular strength tests showed marked weakness of dorsiflexion and impaired inversion of the foot. Which nerve serves the muscles involved?

deep fibular


In injuries of the knee, the medial meniscus is frequently torn because it is firmly attached to which structure?

MCL (tibial collateral lig)


A soldier developed "fallen arches" from marching with a heavy pack in boots that lacked arch support. The ligament that normally supports the head of the talus and is primarily responsible for holding up the medial longitudinal arch of the foot is the:

plantar calcaneonavicular (spring)


A soldier complains of foot pain following a 50 mile hike. Upon examination, the physician diagnoses tendonitis of the fibularis longus tendon. Because the tenderness is located deeply on the sole of the foot, it appears that the irritation occurred where the tendon lies against bone, covered by a structure called the:

Long plantar ligament


While on vacation in Florida following her final exams, a scuba diving medical student is accidentally speared by her diving partner. The end of the spear passes medial to lateral, posterior to the medial malleolus. It severs an artery there, which is the:

posterior tibial


A pedestrian is struck by a car, and his fibular neck is fractured. There is no indication of foot drop, but he cannot evert his foot and the top of his foot is numb. This apparent nerve lesion would affect which of the following muscles? 

 Tibialis posterior
 Tibialis anterior
 Fibularis tertius
 Fibularis longus
 Adductor hallucis

fibularis longus


A young man involved in a head-on automobile collision had his flexed knee hit the dashboard of the car. He was later found to have a major instability of the knee, in that his tibia could be moved posteriorly relative to the femur. What ligament was likely damaged?



A serious complication of fractures of the femoral neck is avascular necrosis of the femoral head. This usually results from rupture of which artery?

medial circumflex femoral a


A patient with a tuberculous abscess (localized collection of pus) on the iliopsoas muscle in the femoral triangle presented impaired flexion of the thigh and extension of the leg. Which of the following nerves was likely involved?

femoral n


When the distal femur is fractured, the sharp broken ends of the bone often damage the structure that lies closest to the femur in the popliteal fossa, i.e., the:

popliteal a. 


Compression of the lateral plantar nerve as it passes between the flexor digitorum brevis and quadratus plantae could result in weakness of any of the following actions EXCEPT:

 abduction of the great toe
 adduction of the middle toe
 abduction of the little toe
 adduction of the great toe
 abduction of the middle toe

 abduction of the great toe


A patient has stepped on a board with a long nail sticking up from it, and the nail penetrated the patient's foot between the bases of the first and second metatarsals. What artery is most likely injured at this location?

deep plantar


What anterior thigh muscle must be retracted to expose the adductor canal and its contents?



what two ligaments prevent hyperextension of the hip?

which one prevents hyperabduction?

ischiofemoral and iliofemoral limit hyperextension

pubofemoral limits hyperabduction
