What is one kind thing you've done today?
Any answer that is kind
Does DJ wear socks with his blue loafers?
What is no?
How many students can sit together if they didn't earn free time?
What is zero?
Is David younger or older than Katherine?
What is younger?
How did you earn McDonald's breakfast today?
What is making good choices when the sub was here Tuesday and Mrs. Jolley was gone?
Why do we refer to our classroom as our classroom family?
We are a family and we spend more time with our classroom family than our families at home?
How many different pairs of Crocs has Lillian worn to school?
What is three?
Where is our regulation zone located when we are at outside recess?
What is by the door we exit and enter?
What did Jason get for his birthday?
What is an electric wheel chair?
Who enjoys eating Coco Puffs without milk during snack time?
What is Austin?
What day last week did our classroom earn the most "Kindness Shield's?"
What is Friday?
What is our newest game our class has payed during Crazy Friday Centers?
What is Check the Fridge?
What is no?
Katherine and Jason were outside the clinic. Many people stood in the window clapping. What were they clapping about?
What is they were excited to see Jason get to "run" with his friend?
Mrs. Savannah wrote on a swing yesterday. What writing tool did she use?
What is her finger?
Why do we have line order?
What is to make things as fair as possible?
How many bones has Mrs. Jolley broke in her lifetime?
What is two?
At lunch, students can sit by an adult. How could the second person in line order get to sit by the adult?
What is the line leader didn't want to sit by the adult?
Katherine helped David roll the "tape" back into an item that plays music. What is the name of this item?
What is a cassette tape?
We often watch Kid President. What was the most recent video bout?
What is Martin Luther King Jr?
In one of the lessons Mrs. Newby taught, you learned about filtering what we say. What does this mean and why do we do it?
What is: say something honest but in a kind way, what is it is much kinder?
Last week E'Nyja brought a clear drinking bottle. Who had written really cool things all over it for her?
Why did we start washing our hands in the classroom instead of the cafateria?
What is it is quicker to wash them in our classroom and easier due to the water coming out so slowly?
Katherine and her family were going to have a BBQ at her house. Her parents asked her if she would like to invite her new neighbors. Why didn't they come?
What is the daughter was at her fathers house?
What did E'Nyja bring for show and tell last week?
What are pictures of her when she was a baby?