What was the original name for Oreos?
Oreo Biscuits
What kind of animal is Squidward?
Octopus (even though he does not have the 8 legs, because it was easier to draw with 6 legs!)
What color was Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street supposed to be?
Sesame Street’s Oscar the Grouch was originally orange
About how many times does your heart beat per day?
about 100,000 times
How many feet per second can farts travel?
They travel about 10 feet per second, which is almost 7 mph.
Eating too many of these can cause your skin to turn orange.
What can Spongebob not get?
How long does it take a pineapple to grow to full size?
2-3 years
If I could drive straight up in the air (60mph), how long would it take for me to get into space?
About 1 hour
What letter does not appear in any state names?
There is only one letter that doesn’t appear in any US state name: “Q”.
What is the most stolen food in the world?
In fact, it’s stolen so much it has its own percentage! About 4% of all cheese made around the globe ends up stolen.
There’s even a black market for cheese!
What kind of patty is the Krabby Patty?
Veggie Patty
What fruit has seeds on the outside?
75% of your Brain is made up of what?
What is the only planet that spins clockwise?
About how many peanuts are needed to make a 12 oz jar of peanut butter?
about 540 peanuts
Stephen Hillenburg is the creator of Spongebob Squarepants. What was his former job?
Marine biology teacher
and a
Fry Cook
How close in miles is Alaska & Russia?
2 miles
What animal is 30 times more likely to get hit by lightning than people.
What is the fear of someone with Arithmophobia?
The fear of numbers.
How many licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
About 400 licks
What is Mrs. Lapp's favorite scene from Spongebob Squarepants?
Abraham Lincoln was a champion...what?
Its a sport at this school
What animal can't jump?
Elephant, hippo, porcupine
Former NBA basketball player Shaquille O’Neal wears a size ??? shoe. The average male shoe size is around a 10.5
size 23