The first sound in "Shoulder"
What is the letters "Sh"?
What is 4?
Jessie's favorite fruit is white on the inside and yellow on the outside. Sometimes he eats them plain and sometimes he slices them up and puts them on cereal.
What is a banana?
1- dry hands
2- scrub with soap
3- turn on water
4- rinse hands
What is 3,2,4,1?
A word that rhymes with "Kite."
What is "Bite"?
What word do you get when you sound out t-o-p?
What is "top"?
Number of syllables in the word "wonderful"
What is 3?
Margot's favorite fruit is small and red with many small seeds. She grows them in her garden. They are very sweet!
What are strawberries?
1- put on pajamas
2- read a story
3- go to sleep
4- brush teeth
What is 1, 4, 2, 3?
It's a day where we get to celebrate. It lands in the middle of summer. There are sometimes family gatherings where you get to see some lights in the sky.
What is "Fourth of July?"
Say "mark" Now, change /m/ to /sh/
What is "shark"?
The sounds in "had"
What is "h-a-d"?
Caleb's favorite fruit has a red or green peel. He likes to eat them raw, but his favorite thing to do is bake them into pies.
What are apples?
1- eat toast
2- put bread in toaster
3- add jelly
4- spread jelly
What is 2, 3, 4, 1?
1- dry dishes
2- scrub dishes with soap
3- put away dishes
4- rinse dishes
What is 2, 4, 1, 3?
A word that rhymes with "cool"
What is "pool"?
Say "eat." Now add /m/ to the beginning.
What is the word "meat"?
Meredith's favorite fruit is round with an orange peel. She likes to squeeze them to make juice.
What are oranges?
1- pack snacks
2- close lunchbox
3- make sandwich
4- pack sandwich
What is 3, 4, 1, 2?
It's a day to celebrate you. There are sometimes parties and gifts involved. What am I?
What is Birthday?
Number of syllables in the word "Mississippi"
What is "4"?
Sound out the word Turkey.
What is the word T-ur-key?
Josh's favorite fruit is a tropical fruit with a tough peel with large spiked leaves. When he cuts into it, the fruit is juicy, sweet, and yellow.
What is a pineapple?
1- cross the street
2- listen for cars
3- look both ways
4- stop at crosswalk
What is 4, 2, 3, 1?
The last sound in the word "sunflower"?
What is "r"?