The amount of grams in a standard box of oreos
What is 270 g?
This percussive instrument historically utilized ivory in its structure.
What is the piano?
Who was the first person to draw a map of PEI
Who is Jacques Cartier?
Moi's Favourite color is this.
What is blue?
Methane has this many carbon atoms
If you stacked all the oreo cookies produced in a year, it could circle the earth this many times.
What is 5 times?
This instruments name translates to large trumpet.
Greenwich National Park is located in ____ County PEI.
Moi is this old.
What is 21 years old?
7 x 12 x (2/4) +3 = _______
What is 45?
Tthe first Oreo was produced in this year.
What is 1912?
The french horn is this long when uncoiled.
What is 12-13 feet long?
PEI's name directly before being called PEI was this.
St. John's Island
Moi has visited this country in the Caribbean with a green, yellow and black flag.
Where is Jamaica?
This is the capital of New Brunswick.
Where is Fredericton?
In the year 2000, this percentage of households enjoyed Oreo cookies
What is 90%?
This song by The Beatles, the first pop song to feature a sitar, was originally named "This Birth Has Flown"
What is Norwegian Wood?
The Confederation bridge is this long.
What is 12.9 km (roughly 13 km or 8 miles)?
This was the original instrument that moi played in Junior High band.
What is Trombone?
This NHL hockey player leads with the most goals at 894 goals.
Who is Wayne Gretzky?
This is the year the double stuffed oreo was introduced
What is 1974?
The names of the members of one direction are the following.
Who is Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik
The Red Bricks of SDU main building on PEI were fired in this community before being transported by boat to Charlottetown.
Where is Tignish?
Moi owns this many guitars himself.
what is 3?
This country sits between Austria and Croatia
Where is Slovenia?