What wireline modem are we able to use our ping tool on?
What is the cleanest looking and most dependable place to run tools from?
If a case is in the stage where we need to confirm if T1 troubleshooting has been performed, what sub template needs to be filled in?
input/customer input
To create a child case of any type, what is the primary tab that needs to be changed inside of a case?
Recommended next steps
Which famous horror film actor played the role of "the inventor" in the movie Edward Scissor hands?
Vincent Price
Name the 3 modem categories we will see
wireline/dsl, VSAT, wireless
If I want to know Mac Address/IP for devices what tool would we run?
System ARP
If a site needs to be called after a NAP/WWTS dispatch to confirm stability, what sub template needs to be filled out?
confirmation/customer confirmation
If I have a NAP truck roll, how many cases will be open/closed in the hierarchy?
2 childs, one open and one closed
open parent working case
Which music artist has most top 5 hits on the billboard charts
Which two devices have wireless capabilities and are often used as backup transports?
Fortigate 30E
What is the name of the tool we use to pull more data for the Access Points for guest wifi?
Airwaive wireless management suite
Daily double
What time frame do we continuously need to have a time stamp in our notes?
What button do we press for a time stamp?
10 minutes
If I have a NAP outage lasting until tomorrow at 8:00 AM Alaska time, what time would I put the case for follow up inside the case?
12:00 PM
Which famous rock musicians son voiced this character on the show "duckman"
Frank Zappa
Which two routers have active path/monitoring
HR4700 HR4860
Daily double
What is the name of the tool we use to get more information for cradlepoints?
Where do we access it?
Network Cloud Manager
CSR tools
If we need a Hughes truck roll, what sub template needs to be filled out?
When there is a NAP outage or I need to close a NAPOO, what would go in the activity description?
NAP sub template
Al Bundy
What are the names of the Access Point devices for guest wifi?
AP 93
IAP 103
IAP 105
IAP 303
What is the name of the KB that Mike showed in class that has information for third party DSR NAP's?
NAP Landing Page
If we partially fill out a sub template and realize we don't need that template at the end, what action would we need to take to get the notes to submit so we can copy them into our case?
Delete out that partially filled out sub template. Everything has to be filled out completely or not at all to be able to submit notes when it comes to subtemplates
If I make a new activity in any case, what is the status that it automatically changes to, that's not accepted on the floor?
agent note
When Walt Disney passed away in 1966, he left an infamous note as his last activity in life. This note had plans for a movie for a "then" child actor. What was that child actors name?
Kurt Russell