What is the zipcode for McMinnville?
What is 97128?
What grade will you be in next year?
What is 5th grade?
What is Joel's brother's and sister's name?
What are Justin and Ella?
What is Ms. Havel's first name? spelling counts!
What is Deanna?
How many peanut butter cups are in a package?
What are 2?
What is the name of the pizza place on 3rd street?
What is 3rd Street Pizza?
How long is the first recess?
What is 15 minutes?
What is Nathaniel's brother's name?
What is Ezekiel?
What color was Ms. Havel's shirt yesterday?
What is dark green?
Some students think that if they eat these before a test they will get a better grade.
What are Smarties?
What are the names of both middle schools in McMinnville?
What are Duniway and Patton?
What time does the 4th/5th grade lunch start?
What is 11:55?
Which teacher taught Ms. Havel, "This is 4th grade."
Who is Ms. Sullivan?
What is the dragonfly?
How many different colors of M & Ms are there?
What are six? brown, yellow, red, orange, green, and blue
What is the name of the restaurant that has a monkey?
What is Alf's?
This 1st grade teacher loves Winnie-the-Pooh
Who is Mrs. Walters?
What is the name of the author that came to our school Wednesday?
Who is Paul Owen Lewis?
What Ms. Havel calls the STEM puzzles.
What are "Oscar's Puzzles"?
Ms. Havel gets these at Bi-Mart.
What are dark chocolate orange sticks?
What is the monkey's name?
What is Elvis?
Last names of the 4 fifth grade teachers next year.
Who are Romero, Valach, Barna, Smith
What movie franchise is going to have a part 4?
What is Toy Story 4?
Ms. Havel's favorite drink.
What is 1/2 Hawaiian Punch and 1/2 bubble water?
This candy "starred" in the movie E.T. after M & M's wanted money to star in the movie.
What is Reese's Pieces?