Red. Blue. White.
What is our team's colors?
Kyle Clapp.
Volleyball fun.
What is Madtown volleyball with other teams?
What is the alpha bot's first note shot?
Math geniuses. (2 people)
Who is Vivek and Ethan?
Team's age.
What is 21 years old?
Who is Sidh Sran?
Water fountain.
What is the broken water fountain incident from this week?
"Destroying" another team's robot at World's.
What is breaking a zip tie on another robot?
Who is Dimple?
Last teacher advisor.
Who is Mr. Lake?
Cat ears.
Who is Matthew Castello and/or Kyle Clapp?
Snapchat Filter-Off Competition.
What is Nabors versus Dimple Snapchat filters at World's?
The "destructible" side plate on Doc XX...
What is the side plate that broke every match in 2024?
Mr. been on the team since day one but pulls up once a week.. :)
Who is Mr. Nabors?
Number of Impact Awards won.
A lot of volunteer hours.
Who is Lapis Fan?
Team 3015.
Note shot outside of field onto ship; new drivers..
What is Dimple and Nabors robot match?
Who is Bobby?
The 8 stars under the 1671 on team shirts.
Who are the 8 fallen soldiers from Buchanan High School?
Broken wrist driver.
Who is Jack Blase?
"WhO dRiVinG ThIS bUs?" - Capital City Classic
What is the bus running into the pole at Capital City Classic?
Cheeto dust.
What is cheeto dust in the power distribution hub?
Real thug.