Animated series revolving around a gang of four young friends who spend their free time playing extreme sports in Ocean Shores, California
Rocket Power
Barley, water, hops and yeast
Family Feud
Steve Harvey (also John O'Hurley, Richard Karn, Louie Anderson, Ray Combs & Richard Dawson)
Only boxer to win the World Heavyweight Title three separate times
Muhammad Ali
Timmy is an average kid...
...and no one understands
Animated series centered around a wallaby and his friends and neighbors in O-Town
Rocko's Modern Life
Potatoes or cereal grains
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?
Jeff Foxworthy
The unofficial world championship of tennis
...and I yelled to the cabbie "Yo home smell ya later"
Animated series about two semi-aquatic rodent brothers, Daggett and Norbert
Angry Beavers
Grain mash (barley, corn, rye and wheat)
Mike O'Malley
In swimming, a race without a compulsory stroke
It's like you're always stuck in second gear...
...when it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year
Teen sitcom centered around the Darling family's teenage daughter, who can't stand her brother Ferguson
Clarissa Explains It All
Legends of the Hidden Temple
Kirk Fogg
While in football the Jets represent New York, in hockey they represent this Canadian city
Hanging out, down the street...
...the same old thing we did last week
Sketch comedy series featuring a collection of short films in various animation styles
Malt wine and Juniper berries
Figure It Out
Summer Sanders
The year (season) the NBA started giving 3 points for long-shot baskets
My mind had been enabled in a memory you overflowed...
...I wanna be your superhero