Complete te following proverb.
Cow never know the use of him ........
Cow never know the use of him tail until fly ketch it.
Who were the first inhabitants of Jamaica?
Paul Bogle hails from which community in St Thomas?
Stoney Gut
Jesus wept.
This is the shortest verse in the bible, identify the book, chapter and verse in the bible it was taken from.
John 11 vs 35
Explain the meaning of the following;
"Silent riva run deep"
Never underestimate a person because he/she is quiet.
In what year did the English capture Jamaica from the Spanish?
What is the contact number for the Yallahs Police Station
876 982 5075
Name the four books of the bible that speaks to Jesus time spent on earth.
Explain the meaning of,
"wanti wanti cant get it, geti geti nuh want it"
Be thankful for the blessings that come to you, always realising that many of the things we take for granted are luxuries to others
Who was Jamaica's first native Governor General?
Sir Clifford Campbell
Which parish is the community of Amity Hall located in?
St. Thomas
Amity Hall is located on the border of St Thomas and Portland.
Which book of the bible was directly written by the bible?
Chicken Merry, Hawk deh near.
What is the meaning of this Jamaican Proverb?
This simply means that amidst our excitement, we should keep a watchful eye for trouble.
In what year was Port Royal destroyed by an earthquake and tsunami?
What is the name of the Custos of St Thomas
The Hon. Marcia Bennett, CD – Custos Rotulorum for the Parish of St. Thomas
How many books are in the bible?
Sixty six (66)
Explain the meaning of the following proverbs
"When trouble ketch yuh, pickney shut fit yuh"
When you are in trouble, you will do things that surpass your wildest imagination just to get out of trouble.
Name Jamaica first Primier/Prime Minister.
Norman Manley
Give the names of the official Maroon settlement in Jamaica
Moore Town Maroons, Portland
Charles Town Maroons, Trelawney,
Accompong Maroons, St Elizabeth
Flagstaff Maroons, St James
John 3 vs 16 is a very popular verse in the bible, what does this particular verse said.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.