In English Bibles, we organize the genres in the order of Law, Writings, and the Prophets.
This is how those genres are organized in the Hebrew Bible.
Law, Prophets, Writings
This is the acronym for Inductive Bible Study that we learned yesterday
This teacher has been teaching kindergarten for over 12 years at Mount Salus
Ms. Yelverton
The Gulf War was actually known as Operation _______________ _______________
Operation Desert Storm
The scientific name for "dog" is this
The last book of the Old Testament, Malachi contains a prophecy who tells of this New Testament prophet who is known for eating locust and honey
John the Baptist
This is the first step of inductive bible study. It is the process of getting the big picture, the context, and the overall background
Before Mt. Salus was at Providence Presbyterian church, it had its residence at this baptist church
Parkway Baptist
Who is the current pope?
Pope Francis I
According to the World Canine Organization FCI, there are approximately (400, 600, or 800) recognized breeds of dog worldwide.
In the book of Exodus, this is how God appeared to and spoke to Moses when He called him to lead His people out of Egypt
A burning bush
This is the part of inductive Bible Study where the reader is taking note of particular people, place, things, ideas, and events.
Of all of her years teaching at Mount Salus, Theresa Kinsey has spent only one teaching in a school that is not Mount Salus.
French Camp
This infamous robber couple tore through America during the Depression robbing small stores and gas stations, leaving a trail of blood in their wake.
Bonnie and Clyde
This dog is the fastest breed of dog. You may find an image of one on the side of this intercity bus line named after this breed
The Bible is an anthology of multiple types of literature. The first five books of the Bible are known as The _______________.
This is where the reader tries to put all of the information that they have gathered from their study to answer the question, "what does it all mean?"
Out of the graduating class of 2018, who had been coming to Mount Salus the longest?
Ashley Wiegand
This is the year that Martin Luther King Jr. gave his I Have a Dream speech
This is the most popular dog in the United States
Labrador retriever
Though the Bible is a large book, it has one central main character.
This is where the reader seeks to apply the text to their life, their situation, and their world
How many years has Ms. Moseley been teaching English?
This Age followed the Bronze Age
This is the largest breed of dog
Irish Wolfhound