What is Tanta Hindy Friedman's maiden name?
Who in the Friedman family just got glasses?
Miriam Friedman
Which couple got married most recently?
Manis Tzvi and Malky
What is Esty Buchinger's maiden name?
Who is Bobby and Zaidy's oldest child?
Tanta Faigy Katz
What Yeshiva does Meir Friedman go to?
Who in the Frank family just had a birthday?
Moshe Frank!
Which Erev Yom Tov is Malky Rosenbaum's birthday on?
Erev Sukkos
What city does the Frank family live in?
What is Bobby Friedman's maiden name?
What camp did the Weiss boys go to last summer?
Camp Kesher
Which Choir is Shmuel Friedman part of?
The Lakewood Boys Choir
Where does Tanta Miriam Weiss teach?
Hillel Yeshiva
Name 2 sets of cousins that go to the same school
Fraidy F., Leeba F. and Miriam F
Eliezer and Chaim Yaakov W, Refole B, and Meir F
Esty and Malka W, Sara B
Where does Bobby Friedman work?
Yeshivas Novominsk
What is the name of Uncle Tzvi's Kollel?
Kollel Mashkimim
What High School does Hindy Katz go to?
Bais Yaakov High School
Which 2 family members are related in 2 ways?
Where do Uncle tzvi and Tanta Esther's family eat the Yom Kippur meals every year?
At the Weiss's ( the 197!)
Which relative did Zaidy teach?
Moyo Besser
What is the exact address of the Weiss home?
197 Coles Way
What is the full name (all 4) of the Katz's baby?
Shlomo Chai Dovid Yitzchok
What is Uncle Avram Meir's job?
Where did Zaidy Friedman grow up?
Cleveland, Ohio
Where does Zaidy Friedman work? ( 2 places!)
The Cheder and Kaminitz