Who all died in the final DND session (campaign)
Taiden, Jet, Eathan, Edin
How many times has Taiden said the n word
Too many to count
What did Aiden's brother do to him during fortnite
Bite him
What started the war
Dragan telling me that he said the n word
Who started the pool noodle sport
Me, Lukas, Tristan
What was the name of the NPC edin turned into in DND
Bruce Mitchell
Who is more rasict. Me, or Brett
What was the fortnite chapter that we played the most
Chapter 4
Who betrayed us after moving
Who encountered the pedo at my sisters party
Me, jet, Emmett
What class did eathan change to after turning into a Mycinod
Who is more rasict, Logan or me
Who all was in the last smp
Aiden, me, Edin, Parker, Lukas, zac, wyit, and other zac
Team Dragan:
Hayden, Mohammed, Grady, Lopez, Elliot, James, Annabelle
How many DND sessions did we do over the summer
What was the name of the creature Lukas and jet fought in the prison
Does Harrison send racial slurs on discord
How many wars took place on the main smp
How many times did we make Dragan cry
More than we could count
Who in the friend group had a childhood friend die last summer
What was the Cult Overlords name
How many times has Edin said the word
Who was the worst player in fortnite
Our team
Literally everyone else
Who goes out of the country for 1 months of the summer