Friendship Facts
Friend O Meter
Mean on Purpose
Friendship Fire
General Knowledge/ Riddles

What is Friendship Fact No.1?

No Friendship (relationship) is perfect


What does the Green side of the Friend-o-meter mean? 

The Green side represents a healthy/positive friendship. 


If someone is Mean on Purpose. What 3 steps do you need to follow? 

1. Quick comeback 

2. Walk Away 

3. Report it to an adult 


What is a Friendship Fire? 

A friendship fire is a argument or disagreement between friends or peers. 


What do cows drink? 



What is Friendship Fact No.2?

Every friendship is different


What does the Red side of the Friend-O-Meter mean? 

The red side represents a unhealthy/negative friendship. 


What is the meaning of Mean on Purpose? 

To deliberately or purposefully be mean/hurtful to someone. 


What are the 2 steps after a Friendship Fire to make on the Friend-O-Cycle? 

Confront the issue and Talk-it-out 


How many days are in a Leap Year? 

366 Days as you get an extra day in Februrary 


What is Friendship Fact No.3?

Trust and Respect are the two most important qualities in a friendship. 


What does the yellow part of the Friend-O-Meter mean? 

The yellow part is okay/meh. 


What tone of voice and body language should you say your quick comeback with? 

You should have a serious tone of voice with strong posture and eye contact. 


What are 6 stages of the Friend-o-cycle starting from a friendship fire... 

Friendship fire, Confront the issue, Talk-it-out, Forgive and Forget, Grow closer and stronger, Healthy Relationship. 


I have 13 hearts but no other organs. What am I? 

A deck of cards


What is Friendship Fact No.4? 

Friendships change and that's okay!


Your friend says they will meet you at the classroom at recess to hang out, but they don't show up because they went and played with somebody else. Where on the Friend-O-Meter is the friendship? 

The friendship would be in the red zone. 


You are asked in class to get a partner for the research assignment coming up. You go to ask your friend to be your partner but they are already paired up with another classmate. They told you with a kind voice that they would like to work with the other class mate for a change. You are still upset about not being able to work with your friend. Is this Mean-on-Purpose or a Friendship Fire? And why? 

This is a Friendship Fire. Your friend just decided to go with someone else for a change and that's okay! They weren't going with another partner to purposefully make you upset, they just wanted a change of partners.


When talking it out with your friend about your friendship fire. How many people should be there and what 4 steps should you take? 

The conversation between you and a friend should be 1:1! The steps to take are: 

1. Finding a good time to talk

2. In a calm serious voice, retell the situation 

3. Explain how it made you feel

4. Listen to what they have to say and try to understand how they might be feeling


What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a year. What am I? 

The letter M 


Sally enjoys playing in the sandpit with Sam at recess time. When Sally plays with Gemma at recess, they like to play on the monkey bars instead. What friendship fact is this related to? 

Friendship Fact No.2: Every Friendship is Different 


In what zone do you want to spend MOST the time in on the Friend-O-Meter? 

The Green Zone 


At recess time your friend tells some of the other students that you have a crush on a kid in your class. They start teasing you about it. It's a secret that your friend promised not to tell anyone. Is this Mean-on-purpose or a Friendship Fire? And why? 

This scenario is Mean-On-Purpose as your friend knows its wrong to share your secret. This friend has used your private information to gossip at the expense of your feelings. 


Laura and Mike are playing games in class. During the game Laura begins to get competitive and begins to tell Mike how much better at the game she is than him. Mike starts to not like playing the game anymore. How many friends do you think are feeling the fire? What steps should Mike take to put this fire out? 

Mike was feeling the friendship fire yet Laura was not. Mike can find a good time to talk to Laura, retell the situation, explain how it made him feel and with time Laura and Mike should be able to forgive and forget, grow stronger and closer and get back to a healthy friendship. 

I am an odd number, take away a letter and I become even. What number am I? 

