The name of the street where you can find the business Wild Sweet Williams
this many notes are in the chromatic scale: C3 to C4
Daniel was back at it again with these articles of clothing.
White Vans
David's gaming console of choice
This is the year the Kingdom of Bohemia was founded
Name the three parks located in Searcy
Berryhill, Spring and Riverside
This is a woodwind instrument that reads in Bb, instead of concert pitch.
I have never seen this, because always one gotta be ugly
2 pretty best friends
The name of David's church in Van Buren
Pleasant Valley, Church of Christ
Polka music
The amount of Sonic locations in Searcy
The composer of Partita for 8 Voices
Caroline Shaw
What was Timmy doing when his dad told him to go back inside
Balling with his bros
David's second favorite subject to music
Science/biomedical science
What is the name of the current country where Bohemia was once located?
The name of the not-so-nice group that used to have it's headquarters in Searcy, AR
The Ku-Klux-Klan
Clap these notes in a compound meter:
eighth, sixteenth, sixteenth, eighth, sixteenth, sixteenth, sixteenth, eighth, sixteenth, dotted quarter, eighth, eighth, eighth
Clap good.
The year the "9+10=21" meme was uploaded to the internet
David has owned this many vehicles (except his daddy actually owned them)
4: Pontiac, Camry, Rav4 and Yamaha Bike
Who was the first King of Bohemia?
Bořivoj I (Borovoi)
The name of the Mayor in Searcy, AR
the official name of one or more unstressed notes before the first bar line of a piece or passage.
the anacrusis
The name of the character from the meme: "Shut up and take my money!"
The name of David's brother-in-law's, Jared, Hometown
Schoolcraft, MI
After the death of King Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia in 1526, This man became the new king of Bohemia
Archduke Ferdinand I