The second concert we attended at UNH was...
Who is Rae Sremmurd!
The boy who stalked Kate at a Red Sox game the summer after freshman year and asked her to drive him home is...
Who is name Nate!
Kate's voice sounds like what when she's drunk...
What is high pitched soft voice?
Kate and Natalie's leaving song at the end of a pregame is...
What is Drowning!
Camryn's middle name is...
Hannah went to what formal freshman year...
What is lacrosse formal?
The boy who was in love with Camryn freshman year was...
Who is Ethan!
Kate threw up on her 21st Birthday _____ times
What is 3!
Kate worked for 1 semester sophomore year at...
What is Cornerstone Cafe!
Kate and Emma's fake ids were from this state...
What is Connecticut!
After Derby day last year we devoured food at...
What is Hop and Grind!
The boy who said to Hannah, "take off your pants and get in my bed" was...
Who is Luke!
The boy who stayed in Hannah's bed all morning while Kate was violently hungover was...
Who is Michael!
Emma's position in her sorority is...
What is GM/New member coordinator?
The two room numbers we were in the mills were...
What is 407 and 411?
Kate and Hannah were leaving ______ when Hannah decided to jump over the fence
What is TKE!
Emma's Pike freshman's name is...
Who is Luke!
Camryn woke up hungover and possibly concussed after this concert...
Who is lil TJ!
What is Buckthorn?
Th boy at the top of the pyramid freshman year was...
Who is Brady?
The worst night ever at TKE freshman year consisted of what events...
What is Hannah getting concussed, Riley spraining her ankle, Kate being dissed by the guy that invited her, etc!
The boy who Natalie ghosted after finding out his criminal record is... and he did...
Who is Jackson! Threw a cat against a wall!
What is "I hope you feel so special"?
Camryn's fake baby's name was...
Who is Lebron!
Hannah's order at campus creamery is...
What is peanut butter 180 frappe?