When's year did Toronto win the chip
This night is better than a thousand months ( i.e. worshipping Allaah in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, i.e. 83 years and 4 months)
What is Laylatul Qadr
what are sumeyas three nicknames does Sumeya have
Suma, meya, maya
What is the second most spoken language in the World?
The yen is the currency of which country?
Which building in Toronto tells you the weather?
The Canada Life building
In Ramadan these three things happen as a Mercy and Favor from Allah SWT to his servants
What are the gates of hell are closed, gates of heaven open, and the devils are chained up.
What was my pet hamsters name
What year was TikTok introduced?
What year did women get rights
Canada (1917)
I’m standing on an intersection of Yonge Street. On one corner there is a Starbucks, on another one a Shoppers Drug Mart, and on another there is a furniture store. Where am I?
King Street
Muslims are not allowed to fast on this day.
What is the 30th of Sha'ban
what is sumeyas favourite fruit
answer grapes
How do lobsters communicate? Hint: Its disgusting
With urine
What starts with 'T', ends with 'T' and is filled with 'T
Name number 23 for the raptors
Fred vanvleet
These two things will intercede for you on the Day of Judgement if practiced daily.
What is Quran and Fasting
What was only thing Sumeya ever stole
A locker mirror in 6th grade
What year was the very first model of the iPhone released?
Where on your body do you have a lifeline and a line of the heart?
What was the city's name before being called Toronto?
For a long time, Toronto was known as York
This act will be equivalent to doing Hajj with Rasullah PBUH
Umrah in Ramadan
what was sumeyas first fight?
a diss track in 7th grade
Name a type of monkey
Gorrilla, Chimpanzee, Ape
Which creature will you find in a gaggle?
A goose