Stop Copying Me!
Lethal Doses
Hosts and Parasites

You aren't seeing double, this sheep is just known for being the first successfully cloned mammal.

Who is Dolly the sheep?


While it's great to stay hydrated, drinking 6 liters of this liquid in one sitting would have the average person hit its LD50.

What is water?


Given that Barbie is made of this kind of plastic (most commonly associated with household plumbing) she probably wouldn't survive the temperatures produced by a nuclear blast.

What is PCV?


This parasitic insect, itself a host of many pathogens, is responsible for the deaths of 1 million people per year and perhaps half of all humans who have ever lived.

What are mosquitoes?


This cantrip is capable of repairing objects and shares its name with a Minecraft enchantment.

What is Mending?


The name of this company has become synonymous with photocopying, after inventing the first commercially-available copy machine in 1949.

What is Xerox?


Drinking 225 espressos or 70 energy drinks would have the average person super wired, and also hit the LD50 for this compound.

What is caffeine?



At the pool Barbie will usually opt for this swimwear named after a Pacific atoll where atomic bombs were frequently tested at.

What is a bikini?


This family of parasitic fungi are best known for "zombifying" host insects in order to reproduce... and for inspiring the pathogen featured in The Last of Us

What is Cordyceps


This is the length of time that passes during a single round of combat in D&D, which also happens to be the same length as a video on Vine.

What is 6 seconds?


This German word, which literally means double-walker, is used to describe a biologically unrelated look-alike.

What is "doppelgänger"?



A sick and twisted individual would have to drink 58 cups of milk or eat 64 tubs of cottage cheese to hit the LD50 for this sugar.

What is lactose?


Trinitite, a Barbie-pink manmade mineral formed by the detonation of the first atomic bomb can still be found in small quantities at this New Mexico town.

What is Los Alamos?


Toxoplasma gondii can make an infected rodent less afraid of these natural predators, which is the only type of animal in which the protozoa can sexually reproduce.

What are cats?


This unique ability found in the barbarian class allows them to inflict extra damage.

What is rage?


This 1988 film, accused of ripping off the plot of E.T., has become a cult favorite for its heavy-handed Coca-Cola and McDonald's product placements.

What is Mac and Me?


A sunbather getting the equivalent of 115 days of direct sunlight exposure would synthesize enough of this vitamin to hit its LD50.

What is Vitamin D3?


Upon creating Barbie and realizing her world-ending power, Ruth Handler might have said this phrase found in the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita?

What is "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"?


Blood-letting, an antiquated medical practice of removing a patient's "bad blood" with these aquatic blood-sucking animals, was so popular that in the 1830s the French imported nearly 40 million a year.

What are leeches?

Spellcasting in D&D typically requires some combination of these three components.

What are Verbal, Somatic, and Material components?


While this group is more often associated with protecting the President of the United States, their original job is to investigate cases concerning the counterfeit of U.S. currency.

What is the Secret Service?


A real pothead would need to take a 95,250 mg edible or smoke 476 joints to receive enough of this compound to hit its LD50.

What is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)?


To promote careers in sustainability and emission reductions, Mattel released a Barbie with a job in this industry, meaning she could arguably work for a nuclear power plant.

What is green/renewable energy?


Ironically, delousing this largest North American bird during conservation efforts to prevent its extinction resulted in the extinction of its lice.

What is the California condor?


This man, together with Dave Arneson, published the first version of D&D in 1974.

Who is Gary Gygax?
