I became with friends with this person on Zoom.
Who is Mikayla?
Pink is part of her personality.
Who is Grace?
My fellow Aquarius (her birthday was Wednesday)...
We've competed for Father Winter's love on Sims 4 (and I won).
Who is Maura?
Our current love language is "F***, Marry, Kill"?
Who is Emma?
My fellow Ohioan and she makes the BEST chai cupcakes.
Who is Ishana?
She believes drawstring bags should not be worn by adults.
Who is Andrea?
I've had a class with everyone except these two friends.
Who are Ishana and Grace?
This person and I have gone camping together in Michigan and Pennsylvania (and both times it was a low of 33F at night).
Who is Andrea?
I'm convinced our cats are soulmates (just like we are ;)).
Who is Coryn?
My study abroad dream team!
Who are Sophie, Mikayla, and Coryn?
I convinced these 3 friends to see "The Menu."
Who are Mckenna, Grace, and Andrea?
These 3 pairs of friends were friends before I met at least one of them.
Who are Emma & Mikayla, Ishana & Coryn, and Grace & Andrea?
I met these 3 friends in 2022 (and I'm so glad I did!).
Who are Sophie, Grace, and Coryn?
We had shared custody of a box of worms our freshman year.
Who is Mckenna?
These 4 friends are NOT graduating this semester :(
Who are Coryn, Ishana, Grace, and Mckenna?
This friend has an amazing sense of style and her laugh is infectious - and she is not afraid to ask to use the bathroom.
Who is Sophie?
These 4 friends have also been/currently are my coworkers.
Who are Andrea, Maura, Ishana, and Hannah?
Who are Andrea, Emma, Darla, and Maura?
I think I have two Valentines this year??
Who are Emma and Andrea?
I've lived with these 5 five friends (longer than 1 week)
Who are Maura, Emma, Darla, Mckenna and Mikayla?
Puedo hablar en espaƱol con estas 5 amigas.
(I can speak Spanish with these five friends).
Who are Andrea, Mikayla, Maura, Sophie, and Coryn?
I've known these 5 friends since the first day of college.
Who are Maura, Darla, Mckenna, Andrea, and Hannah?
These 7 friends are in amazing beautiful relationships and I'm not jealous at all...
Who are Mikayla, Maura, Hannah, Sophie, Ishana, Mckenna, and Coryn?
I've either watched or convinced these 6 friends to watch "The Kardashians" (and they at least tolerated it).
Who are Grace, Darla, Mikayla, Sophie, Coryn, and Emma?