'Tis the Season
Scriptures about Thanksgiving
Around the World

This is the name of the ship on which the pilgrims came to America.

What is the Mayflower?


According to legend, this holiday goodie was shaped to resemble a shepherd’s staff, as a way to remind children of the shepherds who visited baby Jesus.

What are Candy Canes?


Finish the Scripture

Do not be _____ about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Philippians 4:7

What is Anxious?

Arising from the same European origins of harvest festivals that led to the United States's version, this country's Thanksgiving was first celebrated in 1578, when English explorer Martin Frobisher gave thanks for his fleet's safe travels in present-day Nunavut. Parliament made it a national holiday in 1879. 

Where is Canada?


This beverage company has been using Santa Claus in its advertising since 1931.

What is Coca-Cola?


A giant balloon version of this cartoon animal has appeared in the parade more times than any other character.

Who is Snoopy?


This Christmas beverage is also known as "Milk Punch."

What is Eggnog?


Finish the Scripture

Is not the _____ of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?

1 Corinthians 10:16

What is a Cup?


Kinrō Kansha no Hi is a national public holiday that this country celebrates every November 23. Derived from ancient harvest festival rituals named Niinamesai, its modern meaning is more tied to a celebration of hard work and community involvement, hence its translation: Labor Thanksgiving Day. While Niinamesai's traditions reach back thousands of years, Kinrō Kansha no Hi was created officially in 1948. It was intended to celebrate the rights of workers within this post-World War II country. Today it’s celebrated with labor organization-led festivities, and children creating crafts and gifts for local police officers.

Where is Japan?


In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated during this month.

When is October?


People from this Western State are the largest consumers of turkey in the United States.

Where is California?


These are the names of all of Santa's Reindeer.

Who are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph (depending on who you ask)?


Finish the Scripture

Nor should there be obscenity, _____  _____ or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving

Ephesians 5:4

What is Foolish Talk?


A religious holiday, that often takes place on the first Sunday of October, Erntedankfest is essentially a harvest festival that gives thanks for a good year and good fortune. In rural areas, the harvest aspect might be taken more literally, but churches in cities also hold festivities. This might include a procession with an Erntekrone, a harvest crown made of grain, flowers, and fruit. Although turkeys are making inroads, fattened up chickens (die Masthähnchen), hens, castrated roosters (der Kapaun), and geese (die Gans) are favored for the feast.

Where is German?


This person invented electric Christmas lights. (They are very well-known)

Who is Thomas Edison?


This is what the word "cornucopia" means.

What is "horn of plenty?"


This is the color of the berries on the mistletoe plant.

What is White?


Finish the Scripture

Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with _____ and _____.

Psalm 95:2

What are Music and Song?


When the moon is the brightest and the fullest, this three-day celebration takes place in the middle of the autumn season. Also known as the Moon Festival, this celebration is descendent from the original customs of moon-sacrificial ceremonies. Nowadays, the people of modern-day _____ are much more accustomed to “appreciating the moon,” which is the practice of gathering around a table, talking, and eating the offerings from the sacrificial ceremony. Reflecting on the importance of togetherness, families eat moon cakes (round, semi-sweet pastries) and the children dance and play with festival lanterns are main customs

Where is China?


The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade began in this decade.

DOUBLE POINTS if you can guess what year.

What is the 1920s? (1924 to be exact).


Female turkeys are called hens. This is what male turkeys are called.

What are Toms?


What do you get during the Twelve Days of Christmas?

What is...
12 drummers drumming,                                      11 pipers piping,                                                  10 lords a-leaping,                                                 9 ladies dancing,                                                   8 maids a-milking,                                                 7 swans a-swimming,                                             6 geese a-laying,                                                   5 golden rings,                                                      4 calling birds,                                                       3 French hens,                                                      2 turtle doves and                                                  a partridge in a pear tree?


Finish the Scripture (You need 1 to get it right)(Double Points if you can name all three instruments) 

At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, the Levites were sought out from where they lived and were brought to Jerusalem to celebrate joyfully the dedication with songs of thanksgiving and with the music of _____, _____, and _____.

Nehemiah 12:27

What are Cymbals, Harps, and Lyres?


Founded by freed American slaves in 1847, this country's culture and government are influenced heavily by the United States. It modeled its founding document after the U.S. constitution, and it practices some of America’s most iconic cultural traditions, not the least of which is Thanksgiving. In this country, Thanksgiving typically involves a church service, after which harvest crops are auctioned off. Families then return home to feast, much like in America. There are also some minor differences between Thanksgiving in Liberia and the United States. While the American holiday is held on the last Thursday in November, this country's Thanksgiving is held on the first Thursday in November. More importantly perhaps are the culinary differences. Because turkeys and pumpkins are hard to come by in Liberia, roast chicken and mashed cassavas usually comprise a traditional Thanksgiving meal in the West African nation.

Where is Liberia?


This modern-day country is where Saint Nicholas was born.

Where is Turkey?
