Kindess Counts
Good Choice/Bad Choice
Making Friends
Joining in

Name three kind things you can do for a classmate

Ask them if them need help with something

Invite them to eat with you

Compliment them


When a friend calls you a mean name, you tell her to "Please stop". Is this a good response?

Yes. Why?

What is one way you can make a new friend?

You have no-one to play with at recess. What should you do?

Introduce yourself; ask to join in and play...


Give a compliment to the person seated to your left.


How should you greet your classmates and teachers when you enter the classroom in the morning.

Say good morning; handshake; wave...


Your friend has a new mechanical pencil that you really want. Your friend is not looking, so you take it. Is this a good response?

No. Why?

You have a new student in your class. How can you become friends with him?

You notice a group of kids playing with the legos at recess and you want to play with them. What can you say to them?

Ask to play; ask them to share...


Why is it important to compliment people?

It makes them feel good; it makes you feel good; it's a way to show kindness...


Name one kind thing you did for another person this week.


You want to play on the playground and your friend wants to jump rope. You decide to jump rope first and then play on the playground. Is this a good choice?
Name three traits you look for in a friend.

You see your classmates playing a fun game. You go over and begin playing the game without asking to join in. Your classmates get mad and say you can't play. What should you do?

Tell an adult; find someone else to play with...


Your classmate is excited because she just got a new dress that she thinks is very pretty. She asks if you think her dress is beautiful. What should you say?

Be honest with your friend but try not to hurt their feelings.


A classmate has no-one to play with at recess. How can you show them kindness?

Invite them to play with you and your friends; talk to them; play with them...

You are walking in line and a classmate is poking you. You say, "I don't like it when you do that. Please stop". Good response or not?
Name two things that a good friend does.

You want to play a game with your friends but they have already started the game and do not want to start over. What should you do?

Start a new game with someone else; wait until the game ends; wait until the next game starts


Your friend just got a new hair cut and he doesn't like it. What could you say to him.

Compliment him.


You notice a classmate is crying. How can you show him kindness?

Ask them what's wrong...
You lose when you play a game with a friend. You don't get mad at him. You shake hands and say, "Good game". Good or bad response?

You get mad at your friend because he doesn't want to play with you at recess. You tell him "I'm not your friend anymore". Later, you feel bad and want to be his friend again. How can you make things better?

Apologize; ask to talk about it...


You ask a friend to play and he says no, he wants to play with someone else. What should you do?

Find someone else to play with; find a new friend...


Name one thing you like about one of your classmates.
