Name 2 or 3 kind things you can do for a classmate.
When a friend calls you a mean name, you call her a mean name back. Is this a good response? Why or why not?
Poor Choice because...
What is one way you can make a new friend?
One way I can make a new friend is by __________________.
Say hi, ask them to play, any other good ideas?
You have no one to go to the baseball game with. What should you do?
If I have no one to go to the baseball game with, I will_____________________.
Invite your friends or maybe someone new in class. Ask to join someone
Give a compliment to one of the other teams.
How should you greet your classmates and teachers when you enter the classroom in the morning (Role Play)
Hello, good morning/afternoon how are you today?
Your friend has something that you really want. Your friend is not looking, so you take it. Is this a good response? Why or Why not?
No because...
You have a new student in your class. How can you become friends with him?
I can become friends with a new student in my class by _____________________________.
Say hi, invite them to sit with you, show them around, others?
You notice a group of kids playing a game during break and you want to play with them. What can you say to them?
Can I play with you? Can I join in? What else?
Why is it important to compliment people?
It is important to compliment people because_________________.
It makes them happy, you are pointing out good things about someone, its the kind thing to do, what other answers?
Name one kind thing you did for another person this week.
One kind thing I did for another person this week is _____________.
You want to go out to eat , but your friend wants to go see a movie. You decide to go out to eat first and then go see a movie. Is this a good choice? Why or Why not?
Good choice because...
Name two or three traits you look for in a friend.
Two or three traits I look for in a friend are __________________.
List them
You see your classmates playing a fun game. You go over and begin playing the game without asking to join in. Your classmates get mad and say you can't play. What should you do?
Ask them to join, walk away, ask for help from an adult, any other ideas?
Your classmate is excited because she just got a new dress that she thinks is very pretty. She asks if you think her dress is beautiful. What should you say?
I would say _______________________.
Say yes, tell her what you like about it, give her a compliment.
A classmate has no-one to talk to during lunch. How can you show him kindness?
I can show him kindness by___________________.
Ask him/her if they would like to join you.
You are walking in line and a classmate is poking you. You say, "I don't like it when you do that. Please stop". Good response or not? Why or why not?
Good response
Name two things that a good friend does.
Two things that a good friend does are __________________.
Is nice, kind, listens, invites you to play, smiles, give compliments, and so much more
You want to play a game with your friends but they have already started the game and do not want to start over. Do you:
a. throw a fit
b. go tell a teacher
c. wait for the game to finish and join the next one
c. wait for the game to finish and join the next one
Your friend just got a new hair cut and he doesn't like it. What could you say to him.
If my friend got a new haircut and he doesn't like it, I could say _________________________.
Compliments, say it's OK hair grows back, what else?
You notice a classmate is crying. How can you show him kindness?
I can show him kindness by __________________.
Ask him/her are they okay, ask if they want to talk about it.
You lose when you play a game with a friend. You don't get mad at him. You shake hands and say, "Good game". Good or bad response? Why or why not?
Good response because...
You get mad at your friend because he doesn't want to come over. You tell him "I'm not your friend anymore". Later, you feel bad and want to be his friend again. How can you make things better?
I can make things better by_________________.
You ask a friend to play and he says no, he is playing with someone else. What do you do?
a. Throw a fit
b. say OK can we play tomorrow
c. Call him bad names and walk away
b. say OK can we play tomorrow
Name one thing you like about each one of your group members.
What I like about __(say name)_ is ______________.
Give each other compliments