All About
Expected or Unexpected
Types of Friends
Friend or DNEIRF?

List 3 characteristics of a good friend.

Kind, thoughtful, patient, trustworthy, friendly, optimistic, caring, etc.


What does it mean to make a good impression?

To make someone have good thoughts and feelings about you


What does it mean to do something expected?

To act in ways that other people can predict. These behaviors make others feel comfortable, safe, and at ease.


What are the 4 levels of a growing friendship?

Acquaintance, friend, good friend, best friend

Albert has been your friend for many years. He makes you laugh and loves to hang out. Recently you overheard Albert saying mean things about you to a classmate.



What are some other names for a friend?

Pal, buddy, bestie, BFF


What does it mean to give a bad impression?

To make others have negative, bad, or weird thoughts about you.


What does it mean to do something unexpected.

To act in ways that are unpredictable or strange.


What does a bully do?

A bully makes fun of others for being different. They might say or do mean things to make others feel bad about themselves. 

You do not like being around these people because they are not nice to you.


You have a new friend named Rebecca! She is fun to be around and has helped you through a few tough situations. Rebecca has recently been very quiet and seems sad in school.



What is the opposite of a friend?

A bully or an enemy


What does it mean to make a neutral impression.

People do not feel good or bad about you.


How do people feel when you are unexpected? How do people feel when you are expected?

Unexpected: Unsafe, strange, weird, upset, angry, irritated

Expected: safe, comfortable, normal, happy, calm


What is a DNEIRF?

A DNEIRF is someone who you might think is a friend. You know them and like them. You might think that you can trust them, but they do things that break your trust. They might talk behind your back and manipulate situations.


Jesse is your friend from Boy Scouts. He does not go to Parkview, but you often hang out with him on the weekends. He loves to talk to you about what is going on at his school, but sometimes forgets to ask what is going on at your school.



Why are friends important?

Friends give you someone to sharing your thoughts and ideas with. They help you when you are feeling sad or upset, they make you feel comfortable and safe, and they can be fun to play or hang out with. All of these things make us feel great!


Can first impressions change? Is it hard to change them?

Yes, they can change, BUT they are hard to change.


What are some expected friend behaviors?

Making you laugh, helping you when you need help, making you feel better when you are sad, listening, saying kind things to you


What is another word for a DNEIRF?

A frenemy

Your friend George is always talking about what he wants to talk about. He never asks you about your interests or your thoughts.



What is a friend?

Some that you like, know, and trust, AND they feel the same.


What is a first impression?

A first impression is a feeling that we get about someone the first time that we meet them. Impressions can be good, bad, or neutral.


What are some unexpected friend behaviors?

Being bossy, ignoring you, saying unkind things, not listening to you, hitting, kicking, pushing you, making you feel bad a lot


How can you identify a DNEIRF?

Ask yourself 3 questions:

1. Does this person talk to me in many situations?

2. Does this person respect my feelings? 

3. Does this person respect me?

If the answer is NO to 2/3 questions, they are a DNEIRF


You love to hang out with your friend Sarah outside of school. She comes over every day to play on your trampoline. At school she doesn't talk to you and has other friends.

