Shaped like a spiral
Spiral staircase
Where did friendship braceltes apear in the 1970s? (hint:u live in this country)
United States
What is the 4 method?
The way you create a bracletes pattern
What did the braclets look like in the past?
They were simple nots and colorful bands
What is the name of the stripped braclete?
Candy stripe
What year did they become more popular worldwide?
How do you start a bracelet?
fold it in half and knot it at the top making a loop
Whats the diffrence between the braclets then and now?
They have more designs and they are more colorful now then the past
a pattern that requires 8 strings and uses the 4 method
What year was the beginning of friendship bracletes?
481 bc
why is it important to hold you string tightly when making your bracelte?
The pattern will be tigher and the overall braclete will look a lot better
DAILY DOUBLE! What was the signifance of making friendship bracletes in the past?
The meaning of friendship
On the spiral staircase what feature does it have to make it names the "staircase"
The line popping out of the braclete where you made your nots
Where did the bracletes decend from?
Central American Indian crafts
Why is putting your colors in the order you want before starting the braclete important?
Because thats the pattern your bracelte will turn into
What friendship braclete pattern is the most popular?(hint one of the 3 we went over)
Chevron pattern
Daily double! Whats one of the hardest bracletes to make?
Zig zag pattern
In the 1970s where were the braclets first seen?
How many nots do you do for each color?
What do you have to do before starting the pattern of your braclete?
Separate the colors