What can you do if you ask someone to play/talk with you and they say NO?
Ask someone else to play.
Look for someone who is alone and ask them.
Why do we sometimes have conflicts with our friends?
We have different Opinions and Points of View.
Give an example of what you can do if you feel stressed.
Take deep breaths.
Find something cool to look from where you are.
Do something fun. Go outside.
Move your body.
If you try to sit next to someone in the cafe and they say NO, you should remain calm and find someone else to sit with.
Maybe next time they will sit with you.
Name 2 ways you can get someone to play/talk with you.
Ask: Can I play with you?
Ask: What are you doing?
Just join in.
Show them something cool.
What TONE of voice should we have when we have a problem with a friend? Why?
A calm voice will help keep your friend calm.
Give an example of what you can do instead of yelling at a friend.
Talk to them calmly.
Walk away. Talk to them later.
Find a Win-Win compromise.
Ask an adult for help.
You will have more friends if you talk a lot than if you listen.
People prefer to be with friends who listen and ask questions.
What should you do if a friend wants to play/talk with someone else?
Let them go. They will come back to you if you let them go.
Name 2 ways you can solve a conflict with a friend?
Talk to them.
Walk away.
Give an example of what you can do when you feel tired/bored that will give you more energy.
Play with someone.
Build something.
Draw or color.
It is better to let out all of your feelings instead of keep them under control.
Strong feelings that are loud can be scary to others.
If you are standing alone on the playground, how can you get someone to come over to you?
Hold something cool in your hand.
They will want to see what it is and will talk to you.
What is Win-Win?
It is when you and your friend each get something.
Give an example of what you can do if you're sitting in the classroom and you feel sad, angry or nervous.
Find 4 cool things to look at around the room.
Before you react to something that upsets you, you should:
STOP - Take a step backwards. Give yourself space.
THINK - Take a deep breath so you can think.
ACT - Decide what to say or do.
What are 2 questions you can ask to start a conversation?
"What is your favorite......?"
"What do you like to do?"
"What are you doing/did this weekend?"
What is a question you can ask to find out what someone's POV is?
What did you mean?
Did you say/do it?
Why did you say/do it?
Give an example of how Win-Win could work with a friend.
Let's do your idea today and mine tomorrow.
Let's do your idea for 15 minutes and mine for 15 minutes.
Let's do a completely different idea.
It is okay to feel angry, frustrated or annoyed. It is what we do with that feeling that counts.
There are both positive and negative ways to react. Know the difference and use the positive one.