The main character and element of magic
Who is twilight sparkle?
The first villain they face
Who is nightmare moon? Or who is the evil version of princess luna?
The name of the country they live in
What is equestria?
Pinkie pies cutie mark
What is three balloons?
The mane six
What is twilight sparkle, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, fluttershy, apple jack and rarity?
The two princesses who rule equestria.
The villain that can warp reality and becomes reformed
Who is discord?
The town the mane six live in
Celestia and Lunas cutie marks
What is a sun and a moon?
Why twilight got sent to ponyville
What is to study the friendship of magic?
Princess Cadence
Who is the princess of the crystal empire?
The pony that reforms discord
Who is fluttershy?
The country the yaks live in
What is he doesn’t have one?
The first villain they train in friendship
Who is discord?
The six elements of harmony
What is laughter, generosity, loyalty, kindness, honestly, and magic?
The reason starlight glimmer was a villain
What is enslaved a town and stole their cutie marks?
The realm that discord controls and lives in
What is the chaos dimension?
The cutie mark crusaders cutie marks
What is matching badges?
The first wedding in the series
What is the wedding for cadence and shining armour?
The shape of the six gems corresponding to each pony’s cutie mark
What is balloon for laughter, diamond for generosity, apple for honesty, lightning bolt for loyalty, butterfly for kindness, and star for magic?
What is twilights student doesn’t believe friendship lasts?
The location of the castle of the two sisters
What is everfree forest?
How the mane six got their cutie marks
What is rainbow dash performing a sonic rainboom?
The guard that twilight has a crush on in the movie “equestria girls” in both the human and pony world.
Who is Flash sentry?