Friendship Skills
Setting Limits
Friendship Mistakes
Do's & Don't's

True or False: There are different levels of friendship.

True - You might have a deeper friendship with someone you have known for years and a new friendship with someone you just met. It takes time to build deep friendships.


Your friend never lets you pick which game to play at recess. What should you do?

Talk to them about how good friends compromise so you can both do something you enjoy. 


True or False: You should only be friends with someone if you can get everything you want.

False: Sometimes it's necessary to compromise and 'meet in the middle' with someone, otherwise they might stop being your friend!


True or False: When you make a mistake, you should honestly admit to having done it and apologize for it, if necessary.

True - If you do then people will know you take responsibility for your actions, and they will then trust you more because you're honest and show that you learn from your mistakes.


True or False: People will like you more if you have good manners.

True - It shows respect to have good manners towards others.

True or False: You are more likely to have more friends if you show the characteristics of being a good friend.

True - More people will like you and want to be your friend if they know you have the characteristics of a good friend.


What are some different compromises you might make if you and your friend don't agree on which game to play at recess?

You could: 

Play one game for the first half of recess and the other game for the second half.

Come up with a new game you both want to play.

Agree to play separately for today.


A true friend will A) try to convince you to do something you don't want, or B) be sensitive to your wants and needs.

B) Be sensitive to your wants and needs - A true friend should make you feel comfortable when you hang out, not make you feel pressured to do things you aren't sure about.


When first becoming friends with someone, you should share A) your likes, dislikes, goals, etc., or B) tell them EVERYTHING that has ever happened in your life.

A) Your likes, dislikes, goals, etc. - New friends shouldn't normally know private information that doesn't effect them, but they should be able to get to know your personality and passions. If your friendship grows, then you can continue to share more about your life.


Despite what some people say, manners A) really don't matter anymore, or B) can still go a long way to help you make new friends.

B) Still go a long way in making new friends - More people than not won't want to be around you if you're rude, so your chances of meeting cool new friends are way higher if you just put a little effort into minding your manners.


What does being a good listener have to do with being a good friend?

Good friends listen to each other. They listen to your celebrations, your concerns, and your problems.


Your friend talks ALL the time and you never seem to get a chance to talk. What should you do?

Try talking to them about having an equal friendship where you both get to talk. If they won't listen, you could write them a note about how it makes you feel for them to do all the talking.


What should you do if someone says "You're mean! I'm not your friend anymore"?

Think about what you might have done that hurt their feelings. Sincerely apologize to them. Give them space to calm down. Try to make it right.


Which of these is an example of bad hygiene? A) Taking a shower B) Washing your hands C) Never brushing your teeth D) Putting on deodorant

C) Never brushing your teeth - If you didn't, you might have bad breath or yellow teeth. People are more likely to want to be around you if you have good hygiene!


Which of the following is NOT bad manners: A) Making loud noises B) Burping C) Sharing with others D) Hitting someone

C) Sharing with others - Sharing is caring, after all.


True or False: Friends disagree and sometimes get into a fight.

True - no one is perfect which means we all might mess up or hurt our friends feelings. It is important to take responsibility for your part and apologize to make amends. 


Your friend is being mean and calling other people names. What do you do?

Tell them that you are not comfortable being around them if they are going to treat other people badly. You might need to take a break from being their friend if they continue to act like that.


You find out that one of your friends is talking bad about you behind your back. What do you do?

Talk to them about it and tell them to stop. This is not being a good friend.


When first meeting someone, what would be a good topic of conversation to get to know each other?

Hobbies (sports, instruments, etc.)

School (math, science, reading)

Interests (TV shows, movies, etc.)


While it's important to have a sense of ______, you should be careful not to make mean jokes, or laugh at something insensitive directed towards someone else.

Humor - Good friends laugh with each other but not AT each other.


What are some important characteristics of being a good friend?

Listening, Making them laugh, Caring about them, Understanding their feelings, Spending time with them, Making them feel important, Compromising, etc.


Your friend seems to make a lot of jokes at your expense and they are starting to embarrass you. What do you do?

Find time to talk to them alone and tell them the jokes they are making are hurting your feelings. Ask them to stop. If they don't, you might need to take a break from the friendship.


You shared a secret about one of your friends that you weren't supposed to share. What do you do?

Tell your friend that you shared their secret and sincerely apologize. Understand that it might take some time before they trust you with a secret again.


When you get a gift or present for a friend, why is it important to give them something that is related to their likes or interests?

It shows that you were really thinking about them and paid attention to what they said they like.


True or False: Even if you are not friends with someone, you should still use good manners towards them.

True: We should be polite and kind to everyone, even if you don't really care for them.
