What is one way you can be a good friend?
Sharing, Taking turns, saying nice things, playing with everyone, asking friends if theyre okay, etc.
What is something kind you can say to make someone your friend?
Good work today, I like your shirt, your new shoes look cool, etc.
Give me an example of a little problem?
True or false: Not tattling on our friends for small things is a way we can practice being a good friend
Saying nice things, helping them when they need it, talking about what you both like
Give me an example of a BIG problem?
We are left outside without a teacher, we fall and hurt ourselves, we get sick at school, etc.
One of your friends is talking about how much they like lions as their favorite animals, what can you say back to them if you want to be their friend?
Example: WOW lions are pretty cool but my favorite animal is a tiger, they both roar!
How can you be a good friend to your teacher?
Listening, following directions, staying on task, doing the right thing, etc.
If you want to make friends, what should you NOT do?
Be mean, say unkind things, refuse to share, not play with them, etc.
How do you know when a problem is big?
If you have to tell an adult for help, if we need to call our parents or 911, if you can't fix it on your own
What would you do if someone is being mean to you and they said they don't want to be your friend.
Walk away and tell the teacher if they were very mean. Find people who do want to be your friends.