What is trust?
I come up to you and talk to you about your clothing. Its a way a starting a..
What is a conversation?
I write a note to my friend in class.
If I tell you a secret and you keep it you are called a..
What is a confidant?
I talk to you at school, after school, and see you on the weekends. I am..
What is keeping in touch?
I talk to my friends about my weekend.
What is verbal communication?
When I am feeling overwhelmed and I talk to you, I am reducing my..
What is stress?
When you speak and I show interest I also..
what is smiling?
I move my hands and smile as I am speaking to my friends.
What is non-verbal communication? (Body language)
I talk to you about something exciting and you laugh with me and joke with me. That makes me feel..
What is happiness?
I laugh with you as you speak, ask questions about what you like and I also listen to you. I am showing..
What is interest?
While my friends or family speak to me I am...
What is listening?
Your friend makes you feel that you are enough and are worthy.
What is self-worth?
The way we bond maybe because we watch the same shows, play the same sports, shop at the same mall, we like the same sports teams, etc. This is called..
What is common interest?
I draw in a piece of paper something that I like and show it to my friend.