Where is Amelia doing an international exchange?
What instrument does Emma Play?
What vegetable did I combine with Nutella as a kid? Brusse sprout
Brusse sprout
What is the name of Amelia's cat? Who is he named after?
Niel Armstrong
What is the name of Amelia's apartment Complex?
Luxe (on west call)
What is Emma's favorite City?
New orleans
What is the only TV show I have ever finished?
How many concussions has Amelia had?
Where does Amelia live in Illinois?
New Lenox
What is Emma's favorite Dessert?
What is my favorite tik tok sound/insta/vine sound?
Cheese Tax
Names of both Of amelia's parents?
Kelly and Guillermo
How long did Amelia Live in England?
5 years
Favorite role in the Nutcracker?
How many jumbo marsh mellow have I put in my mouth at once?
Amelia is famous for being a Theature Kid. Name at least 1 show she has participated in.
IDK she didnt write it down
What three sports did Amelia Play in high school? (you have to guess all three)
Swim, rugby, water polo
How many pieces of corn on the cob have I eaten at once?
What were the names of my two pet mice (that later ate each other)?
Kit and Kat (RIP)
What holiday did Amelia have her first period?