Jordans Favorite color
what is blue?
Philips favorite color
what is royal blue?
Daniels favorite color
what is red?
anthonys favorite color
what is red?
Mike and Chester are
what is "gatekeepers"?
Jordans first song
What is Bills?
Philips best online friend
what is Caleb Kroeze?
Daniels old band
what is Crowned In Chains
anthonys role in hamilton
what is Philip Hamilton & John Laurens?
Elijah is very fond of
what is piano?
Jordans biggest hit
What is Blood//Water?
Philips occupation
what is a student with hobbies of making music?
Daniels soon to be most recent song
what is stressed out, TOP cover?
Anthony preformed in 21...
what is "Chump Street"?
what is tenor?
Jordans current girlfriend
What is Wafia?
Philips Current crush
What is Elijah Gilbert and Samir Little?
Daniels current girlfriend
what is Cassandra?
Anthony used to date...
what is Jazzy Cepha Jones?
what is Anna?
Jordans position in the alters
What is 1?
Philips first real boyfriend
what is Spencer?
Daniels photographer
What is Christian Carranza?
Anthony preformed in this major motion picture created by LMM
what is In The Heights?
philip still talks to two of joes exs who are...
what is Maiie and Cav?